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Stella's POV

"So what did you want to talk about?" Toto says as I sit down with him and London in Toto's office here at the track for the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix.

Today, November 1, 2020, is the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix in Italy and after this race there are only four races left in the season.

I've won a lot of the races and right now I'm leading the Drivers Championship by a lot of points.

"I wanted to talk to you about the next four races."

"What about them?" Toto asks.

"I want to boycott them."


"The next four races are in Turkey, Bahrain, and the UAE and all of those countries have little to no rights for LGBTQ+ people." I say then I take a deep breath. "I can't live with myself knowing I stood by and did nothing to help people who are like me so if this is a way to spark change then I wanna do it."

Toto smiles at me then he, London, and I discuss everything involved with me boycotting the races.

Once our discussion is over I leave Toto's office then head to my motor home.

"I'm back." I say as I enter the motor home.

"Ready." Rayne says as Kristie grabs Rayne's bag.

"Then let's go." I say then the three of us leave the motorhome.

After the three of us are out of our motor home, Kristie and I grab our daughter's hands then we walk to the Mercedes Garage.

Kristie's kept to her word and in the last 2 and a half months she's shown Rayne and I she's in it with us for the long haul.

I can honestly say we're back to where we were before the incident and I can also honestly say I can't wait to marry her.

"So when did you decide to get traded to the Pride?" I ask.

Somehow we haven't even discussed her trade yet.

"Whenever I opted out of the Challenge Cup."

"Ah." I say. "What about Christen?"

"I think she got tried of the abuse she got in Utah so she told them to trade her." Kristie says.

"I hope she joins the team after her loan is up." I say.

Christen and Tobin are over in England playing for Man United.

"Same." Kristie says.

"When do you leave for the Netherlands?" I ask.

Kristie and the national team are gonna play their first friendly of the year later this month in the Netherlands.

"I think on the 18th." Kristie says.

"Cool." I say as we get to the paddock.

When we get to the Mercedes Garage I head to my room then Kristie and Rayne sit down on the small couch while I change out of my clothes and into my racing suit.

While I get dressed I look at a diagram of the race track that's on the wall

While I get dressed I look at a diagram of the race track that's on the wall

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