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Stella's POV

"Mommy I don't fell good." Rayne says and drops her head in my lap.

"What's wrong babygirl?" I ask as I run my hands through her hair.

Rayne goes to say something, but she bolts up and sprints to the nearest bathroom and becomes best friends with the toilet. I follow her into the bathroom and hold her hair up until she finishes.


There's blood in there.

"Rayne we need to go to the doctors baby." I say and pick her up after wiping off her mouth.

"Okay." Rayne says then falls asleep on my shoulder.

Well shit

She must be very sick.

She never wants to go to the doctor and the only way I can get her to the doctor is to bribe her with ice cream.

I flush the toilet before I take Rayne to the car and buckle her in then we race to the hospital.

When we get to the Hospital I park then I pick my daughter up and run her into the ER.

"Help I think something's wrong with my daughter." I say as I rush into the ER.

"Place her on here." A nurse says and I set Rayne on a gurney. "What's been going on?"

"She said she felt bad then she threw up and there was blood in the vomit."

"Where's it hurt sweetie." A doctor says as she lightly presses on Rayne's body.

When the doctor presses on Rayne's stomach she screams.

"MOMMY." Rayne shouts.

"It's okay sweetie." I whisper as I stroke my daughter's face.

"We're gonna take her back to get images of her stomach area." A doctor says.

I nod, kiss my little girl on the head, then watch her get wheeled out of the room.

Once Rayne is out of the room I sit down in a chair then answer emails to distract myself.

After responding to emails from, Nike, my old high school, Calvin Klein, Mercedes, my lawyer, US Soccer, Bose, IWC Schaffhausen, and many other brands, a nurse comes into the room.

"The doctors want to keep Rayne overnight for observations so once she's done with the images we're gonna take her up to a room." A nurse says. "So if you'll grab your things I'll take you on up."

I nod and grab Rayne and I's things then follow the nurse up to the Room they're gonna put Rayne in.

Once in the room I sit down in one of the chairs then I take out my phone and text Ali.

Me: Are you or Ash in Orlando?

Ali: We're both here right now

Me: Help.

Ali: What's wrong?

Me: AdventHealth for Children room 6307

Ali: On our way

Ali: 30 minutes at the most.

"Hi." A feminine voice says causing me to look up from my phone. "My name's Caroline and I'll be your daughter's nurse tonight."

"Hi." I say then another patient uses their buzzer so Caroline leaves.

A little while later two people walk into the room.

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