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Stella's POV

"Mommy?" Rayne says as she walks into the room I'm laying in.

"Yeah Baby?" I ask.

"When can you get outta bed?" My daughter asks.

It's been a week since I woke up from my Coma and I've been limited to laying in bed 24/7 and I'm only allowed to get out to go to bathroom or bathe, but even then I had to rely on Kristie to help me.

"I'll try walking when Kristie gets back from letting the nurse out." I say.

Today was the last day the nurses would be helping me here at my home.

"They're gone." Kristie says as she walks into the room followed by my sister and her wife.

"Auntie Ashy" Rayne squeals then she runs over and hugs Ash's legs.

"Hey Munchkin." Ash says as she runs her hand through Rayne's long hair.

"Hi." Rayne says with a smile as she looks up at her aunt. "What're you and Aligator doing here?"

"We're gonna help your Mommy get her legs back under her."

The doctors told us that because of my injuries it may be difficult for me to walk for a little bit at first.

"Okay." Rayne says then she hugs Ali's leg. "Hi Aligator."

"Hey RayneBow." Ali says.

"Rayne why don't you go clear a path to the couch for Mommy." Kristie says.

"Okay." Rayne says then she runs out of the room. "COME ON PUPPIES."

"WALK BABYGIRL." I shout as Stitch, Lilo, and Appa run out of the guest bedroom.

"YES MOMMY." Rayne shouts then Ash, Ali, and Kristie approach me.

Tobin and Christen went back to Portland to ride out lockdown while Alex and Syd are staying isolated so Alex's pregnancy isn't compromised.

"Ready?" Kristie asks.

I nod then I shift my body so my legs are hanging off the bed.

Once my legs are hanging off the bed, Ash grabs my hands then Ali and Kristie grab onto my arms with one hand while they support my back with their other hand.

"Ready?" Ash asks.

I nod then Ash pulls me up and onto my feet.

"I feel like a baby giraffe." I mumble as I stand on my legs for the first time in a month.

"Can you feel everything?" Ali asks. 

"Yeah." I say.

"Ready to start walking?" Kristie asks

I nod then I start slowly walking out of the room with the help of Ash, Ali, and Kristie.

"Geez I'm outta shape." I say.

"Speedy you haven't walked in a month." Kristie says as we cross into the hallway.

"Mommy I have Avatar loaded up." I hear Rayne say.

"Alright Babygirl." I say. "I'll be there in a minute......okay maybe in ten minutes."

"You're doing great." Ali says as we start walking down the hall.

"How much further?" I ask.

"Just a few more steps." Ash says then we start walking to the couch.

When we get to the couch I sit down in my normal seat then I put the reclining footrest up.

"A few more steps my butt." I mumble. "That was like 100 feet."

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