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Stella's POV

"Fuck's sake." I mumble as I watch my hands shake. "HEY KRIS?"

"YEAH?" My girlfriend yells from outside the bathroom.

"I NEED YOUR HELP." I shout then a couple seconds later my midfielder comes into the bathroom.

"Yes?" Kristie says.

"Can you tie my tie?" I mumble. "My hand's keep shaking."

"Of course." Kristie says then she starts tying my tie. "Still stressed?"

After the Brazilian Grand Prix I went to a doctor in America who explained that, apparently, the stress I was feeling before and during the Brazilian Grand Prix caused my vision to get so blurry that it appeared as if someone turned the lights off.

The doctor told me that until I actively try not to do anything to stress me out then I may screw my body up a lot worse than I did.

Since I'm stubborn, I raced the final race which was a week ago in Abu Dhabi.

Kristie wasn't too pleased that I raced, but I wasn't about to miss the final race of the season.

I won the race and a week later, i.e. today, Kristie, Rayne, and I are in Paris for the FIA Award Giving Gala.

At the Gala Mercedes will receive the World Constructors' Championship trophy and I will receive the World Drivers' Championship trophy.

"I don't feel stressed." I say then I hold up my still shaking hands. "But I guess my body's still feels stressed."

"Well there's no need to be stressed about tonight." Kristie says. "We're gonna go take some picture's, eat some good food, you're gonna receive your trophy, then we're gonna come back here and celebrate."

I nod as Kristie finishes tying my tie then I lean forward and kiss my girl.

"MOMMY I READY." Rayne shouts causing Kristie and I to stop kissing.

"Did you put your dirty clothes away?" I ask as Kristie and I walk out of the bathroom.

"Yep." Rayne says and nods.

"Thank you." I say then my little girl runs to me and hugs my leg.

"Mommy you look so pretty." Rayne says with a smile as she looks up at me.

"Thank you baby." I say as I smile down at my Daughter. "You look beautiful Babygirl."

"Thanks Mommy." Rayne says. "Kristie looks pretty too Mama."

"Yes she does Rayne." I say as I look at my girlfriend. "She looks Beautiful."

"We go now?" Rayne asks as Kristie blushes.

"Just let me get my things and we can go." I say.

Rayne nods so I grab my phone and wallet then we leave the hotel room and head down stairs to the lobby.

Once in the lobby we head out to a waiting car, get in, then we head to the Carrousel du Louvre.

When we arrive at the Carrousel du Louvre, the three of us get out of the car and walk down the red carpet while periodically posing for photo's.

"Finally." Kristie mumbles when we get inside the Carrousel du Louvre. "I hate red carpets."

"Too many flashing lights." Rayne mumbles as we're led to a table.

"Mhmm." I say as we get seated at the Mercedes Table.

"Well don't you just look like a million bucks Rayne." Hope says.

"Thanks Hopey." Rayne says as she sits next to my race engineer's wife.

"They have food at this thing right?" I ask.

"Yes Stella." London says. "They do."

"Sweet." I say as plates of food are given to us.

As we start eating our food the award gala starts with the other types of racing the FIA oversee getting their awards first.

After I finish eating my food Rayne climbs over onto my lap then I listen to her talk about random stuff while waiting for the Formula One awards to be handed out.

"The FIA Rookie of the Year goes to Stella Maxwell." Some dude says.

"Oh wow." I say then I kiss Kristie.

"Mommy." Rayne says.

"Wanna go with me munchkin?" I ask.

Rayne nods so I stand up then I pick my daughter up and rest her on my hip before I walk up on stage.

When we get on stage I get handed the trophy so I adjust my daughter so I can hold her and the trophy at the same time.

Once I have a hold on the trophy I do a quick little interview then Rayne and I head back to our seat.

"Well that was unexpected." I say as I look at the trophy.

"Really Stella?" London sarcastically asks.

"Okay well I didn't expect it." I say.

"I did." Rayne says with a smile.

"Oh you did?" I say then I start tickling my daughter. "And why didn't you tell your Mommy?"

Rayne and I get into a tickle fight for a few minutes, but we break it up when Kristie nudges me.

"Sorry." Rayne and I sheepishly say.

"You're fine." Kristie says with a smile. "But you have to go backstage now."

"Oh." I say then I pass Rayne to Kristie.

Once my girlfriend has my daughter in her lap, I get out of my seat then head back stage with Toto and Lewis.

"Wait." I say when I see my car that I've driven all season back stage. "I'm driving this onto the stage?"

"It's not gonna be as loud." Toto says.

"Alright." I say then I get into my car.

I sit in my car for about 10 minutes then I'm told to drive onstage so I start my car and drive on stage.

"Toto was right." I mumble when I realize the noise isn't as loud as I thought it would be.

Once I'm in the middle of the stage I park the car, turn it off, then get out and meet up with Lewis and Toto.

I then stand around on the stage until the World Drivers' Championship trophy is brought out on stage then I stare at it until it's handed to me.

"The Formula One World Drivers' Championship trophy goes to Stella Maxwell." Some dude says then I'm handed the trophy

"We did it Mamas." I mumble as I look at the World Drivers' Championship trophy in my hands.

"We did it

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"We did it."

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