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Stella's POV

"Goodnight Princess." I whisper as my daughter fights to stay awake.

"Night." Rayne mumbles then she finally succumbs to sleep.

Once Rayne's asleep, I back out of her room then I walk down to my bedroom

"She asleep?" Kristie asks as she walks out of the bathroom.

"Mhmm." I say as I ogle my nude soulmate.

Kristie notices me looking at her so she saunters over to me then she undresses me.

"Ooh you're dick's big." Kristie says causing me to chuckle.

"Okay before this goes any further, I need to show you something." I say.

Kristie nods then I lead her across my bedroom to the book case.

When we get to the book case, I twist the head of one the lion bookends then I push the book case open to reveal the private playroom I had built in my room.

"Oh wow." Kristie says as she looks around the room.

"I know you know I'm a Domme, but I just wanted to show you my playroom." I say.

"Baby I don't care that you have private playroom." Kristie says. "If I'm honest I love it since it means we can play together in privacy."

"There's something else I need to tell you." I say.

"What is it?"

"Have you ever heard of the Le Chateau Club?" I ask.

"Yeah." Kristie says. "The national team ladies have talked about it every time we come to Orlando for national team camps."

"Well I own the Le Chateau Club." I say.

"Oh my god you're the Mistress Stella they talk about."

"I am." I say. "You wanna sit down and talk about this?"

Kristie nods so we sit down on the couch I have in my private playroom

Once we're sat down, Kristie and I talk about everything that has to do with my club then we move on to Dom/Sub relationships.

"What's after care?" Kristie asks. "I've never really understood what it is since I've never had a Domme."

"The psychological and or physical care someone receives after a playing." I say.

Kristie keeps looking at me so I continue on.

"Aftercare can be me feeding you food, me sucking on your titties, us smoking weed, us cuddling while watching something, or anything else that'll help you recover from our playtimes."

"I mean you sucking on my tits sounds amazing." Kristie says.

"Well I will gladly suck on them anytime anywhere." I say.

"Excellent." Kristie says. "So what are the positions you put your former subs in?"

"Watch this." I say then I get out my phone and FaceTime Ash.

"Hey Stella." Ash says as Ali waves.

"Hey." I say as Kristie cuddles into me. "You two free?"

"Yeah." Ali says.

"Cool." I say. "Position one."

Instantly Ash and Ali get into position.

"Good girls." I praise.

"Thank you Mistress." Krashlyn say in unison as they smile.

"See." I say as I show Kristie my phone.

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