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Stella's POV


"Yes babygirl?" I say as I help my daughter get dressed.

"Is Kristie gonna stay with us tonight?"

"Do you want her too?" I question.

"........yeah." Rayne mumbles.

"Well then how about you ask her later tonight if she wants too."

"Okay." Rayne says with a smile.

"Let's do your hair before we go."

"Okay Mommy." Rayne says then she spins around.

"I'm gonna have to cut your hair soon." I say as I run my fingers through Rayne's black hair. "Chrissy pony tail, curls, Ashy bun, or a Warrior bun?"

"Ashy bun please." Rayne says so I put my daughter's hair up into a the hairstyle Ash wears when she's playing in goal.

"There we go." I say.

"Thanks Mommy." Rayne says and hugs me.

"No problem Princess." I say then I kiss my daughter's head before I grab everything we need.

After I have everything we need, Rayne and I leave our hotel room, head down to our rental car, get in the rental car, then head to the stadium.

Kristie and the national team play the Netherlands today in the World Cup final.

"Mommy do you think they'll win?" Rayne asks as we drive to Parc Olympique Lyonnais.

"I do." I say. "What do you think?"

"I hope so." Rayne says. "I don't wanna see Kristie cry.........She's too pretty to cry."


"Mommy?" Rayne says.

"Yes Princess?"

"Can we get food at the game?"

"Of course princess." I say as we pull up to the stadium.

When I get to the stadium I find a parking spot then Rayne and I get out of the car and head into the stadium.

Once in the stadium my daughter and I get some snacks and some drinks then we head to the friends and family section.

"Hey Rayne...Hey Stella." My Dad says as Rayne and I sit down.

Thankfully our tickets are now nowhere near Ali's family so we can watch the game in peace.

"Hey Dad." I say.

"Hi Pop Pop." Rayne says as she hugs her grandpa. "Hi Auntie Chan...Hi Auntie Ty Ty."

"Hey munchkin." My sisters say then they hug Rayne.

"You ready for the game?" Dad asks as he looks at my daughter.

"Yeah." Rayne says and nods her head.

Moments later both national teams come onto the field so everyone stands up and gets ready for the anthems.

While the anthems are playing I get really nervous.

I really hope America wins.

- - - - -

"THEY WON." Rayne shouts as the final whistle blows.

"Yeah they did." I say.

Rayne and I wait around as the team get their medals then they walk around the field to clap the fans.

Eventually the team come over so Rayne and I head down to the railing to talk with Kristie.

"You won." Rayne says then she hugs Kristie.

"Yeah Rayne." Kristie says. "We did."

Once Kristie is done hugging my girlfriend, I hug my girlfriend and kiss her.

"Congrats." I say.

"Thanks." Kristie says then she kisses me.

Kristie, Rayne and I talk for a minute more then she moves down to talk to her family.

"CHRISSY." Rayne yells.

"Hey Rayne." Christen says then she hugs me and Rayne.

"You Won." Rayne says.

"Yes we did." Christen says with a smile then her wife joins us.

"AUNTIE TOBY." Rayne shouts then Tobin takes my daughter from me.

Christen and Tobin dote over my babygirl for a few minutes then they hand her back to me.

"Hi Mommy." Rayne says.

"Hi Princess." I say then I rest my daughter on my hip. "We'll see you two later."

Ash and Ali nod then they talk to their families while Rayne and I leave the stadium.

Once out of the stadium we head to the car, get in, then head back to our hotel.

When we get to the hotel Rayne and I head up to our hotel room then we shower and get ready for the after party.

"When do we need to leave?" Rayne asks as I comb her hair.

"I was told to be there at 9." I say then I check my watch. "So we have about thirty minutes."

"Okay." Rayne says.

Once I've finished combing Rayne's hair she puts on her new summer dress she got for today while I put on my clothes then help Rayne put on her shoes.

After we're both dressed, I grab everything we need then Rayne and I leave our room, leave the hotel and walk down the street to the national team hotel.

When we get to the national team hotel we head to the after party area then we wait for the team to arrive.

"Mommy." Rayne says as I hold her in my arms.

"Yes princess."

"I'm starving."

"We'll get some food when the team arrive." I say then I hear the loud voice of Kelley O'Hara.

"PARTY." Kelley yells.

"How can you be this loud and have a concussion?" Ash questions.

"Beer." Kelley says.

"Kelley loud." Rayne mumbles as the gate opens then the team appear holding those alcohol bottles you see at clubs.

Once Kristie is in the after party she heads right for me and Rayne.

"Hey." I say then I peck Kristie's lips. "Are your parents here?."

"Yeah." Kristie says then she points to them.

"Ah." I say.

"They wanna meet you."

"Okay." I say. "We have a two week break after the race next weekend."

"Okay." Kristie says.

"Kristie?" Rayne says.

"Yes sweetie?" Kristie says

"Can you stay with us tonight?" My daughter asks then Kristie looks at me.

"Up to you." I mouth then Kristie looks at my daughter and smiles.

"Of course I will sweetheart." Kristie says then she kisses Rayne's head. "Of course I will."

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