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Kristie's POV

"You got everything Princess?" I ask

"Yep." Rayne says as

"Alrighty then." I say then I pull away from the dock. "Let's go fishing."

Stella has meetings all day today so Rayne and I are taking the boat out to do some fishing.

Once we're away from the dock I drive us away from the dock and out towards one of our fishing spots in the Atlantic Ocean.

"Here we are." I say when we get to our fishing spot then I drop the anchor.

"Kristie look." Rayne says.

"Watcha see baby?" I ask as I pick up Rayne.

"Dolphins." Rayne says. "I like Dolphins."

Rayne's so cute.

"You ready to fish babygirl?" I ask.

Rayne nods so I kiss her head then set her on the ground.

Once Rayne's on the ground we get out the fishing poles, bait them, then cast them into the water.

Rayne and I fish for a while and catch a bunch of fish that we photograph, weigh, and measure for Rayne's fish book before we put them back in the ocean then we decide to stop for lunch.

While we're eating lunch Rayne and I stare out at the ocean.

"I regret saying no." I say breaking the silence.

"Huh?" Rayne asks.

"When you asked me to be your Mama." I say. "I regretted saying no the minute I said it."

"Oh." Rayne says.

Silence over takes us again until Rayne leans on me

"Why'd you say no?" Rayne asks.

"I was scared." I admit. "I didn't think I was good enough to be your Mama."

"But you'd be the best Mama." Rayne says. "Before I asked you were already the best Mama to me."

"I was?" I ask and Rayne nods.

"You gave me cuddles whenever I wanted, you made the best sandwiches, you gave the second best hugs, you always kept me entertained when Mommy was busy, and you always took my mind of Mommy being hurt."


"Did you not want to marry my Mommy?"

"I would love to marry your Mommy." I say.

"Do you want more kids?" Rayne asks and I nod. "I've always wanted a little brother and sister."

"And?" I question with a smile.

"Mhmm." Rayne says. "I think it'd be cool to have both."

"You would make a great older sister." I say.

"I'd be the best older sister." Rayne says. "Kristie?"

"Yes Babygirl?" I ask.

"Will you be my Mama?"

"I'd love to be your Mama." I say with a smile.

"YAY." Rayne cheers then she grabs my hand. "Let's keep fishing Mama."

"Alright Princess." I say with a smile. "Let's keep fishing."

- - - - -

"You ready to go to bed Babygirl?" I ask as Rayne fights to stay awake.

Rayne and I got home a couple hours ago then Stella cooked the three fish we kept for dinner while we watched the next episode of Avatar.

"Yeah Mama." Rayne mumbles so I pick her up.

Once Rayne is secure in my arms, I carry her to her room while Stella and the dogs follow us to her bedroom.

Stitch, Lilo, and Appa sleep in kennels in Rayne's room.

They go to sleep at the same time as Rayne then either Stella or I will get the pups up an hour before Rayne gets up.

Once we're in Rayne's room, Stella puts the dogs up while I put Rayne to bed.

After the Dogs are in their Kennels, Stella comes and kisses Rayne goodnight then I do the same before we leave the room. 

"Goodnight Mama." I hear Rayne mumble as I close the door. "I love you."

"I love you too Rayne." I say then I shut the door.

Once the door is shut I lean against Stella and rest my head on her shoulder.

"I'm so stupid." I mumble.

"What's wrong?" Stella asks as she rubs my back.

"Why did I say no before?" I ask.

"Kristie that's in the past." Stella says. "I've forgiven you and Rayne's forgiven you and that's all that matters."


"The only butt I'm concerned with is this one." Stella says then she smacks my ass.

"Did you just smack my ass in front of Rayne's room?"

"No." Stella says. "I just smacked your ass in front of our daughter's room."

"Well why don't you get the wine and bring it to our room so I can kick your ass on the Playstation." I say with a smirk.

"Bye." Stella says then she runs off to get the wine.

I giggle a bit at my girlfriend's antics then I head to our bedroom.

When I get into our bedroom I grab the Playstation controllers, throw them on the bed, then I get naked.

Once I'm nude I get in the bed, turn on the Playstation, then wait for Stella.

"I could get use to this sight." Stella says as she comes in with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"It'd be much better if you were naked." I say.

Stella nods then she hands me the wine and the glasses before she throws her clothes off and joins me in the bed.

Once Stella is in the bed I pour a glass of wine for both of us then I hand her her glass.

"You do know both Rayne and I have forgiven you for saying no right?" Stella asks.

"Yeah." I say then Stella kisses me.

"Then please stop beating yourself up." Stella says.

"Okay." I mumble then Stella kisses my head.

"So." Stella say as I sip my wine. "Usual bet?"

Our usual bet is the winner gets a massage from the loser.

"Actually." I say. "I was thinking the bet could be different."

"And what was your idea?" Stella ask so I lean in to whisper to her.

"The winner gets to tie up the loser and do whatever they want to them." I whisper then I tug on Stella's ear lobe. "And I mean whatever you want Mistress."

"Oh you are so on." Stella says.

"Good luck Mistress." I say then I kiss Stella's pulse point. "You're gonna need it."

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