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Stella's POV

"You ready to go?" I ask as I put on my Red Kristie Mewis jersey.

"I need help Mommy." Rayne says as she walks into our bedroom in our St. Louis hotel.

Today's the only National team Rayne and I can see before the World Cup since I have the Monaco Grand Prix race on the same day as the last Send off series match.

"Watcha need help with?" I ask then Rayne hands me her Christen jersey

I smile at my daughter then I help her put her jersey on.

"There we go." I say as I run my fingers through Rayne's black hair. "Chrissy pony tail, curls, Ashy bun, or a Warrior bun?"

"Chrissy pony tail please." Rayne says so I put my daughter's hair up into a ponytail that looks like my sisters.

"There we go." I say.

"Thanks Mommy." Rayne says and hugs me.

"No problem Princess." I say then I kiss my babygirl's head.

"We go see Auntie's now?" Rayne asks.

"Yep." I say then I grab my stuff.

After I have everything we need, the two of us leave our hotel room, head down to our rental car, get in the rental car, then head to Busch Stadium.

Once at the stadium I park our car then we head inside the stadium, grab something to drink, and find our seats.

"HI AUNTIE's." Rayne yells as the National team ladies walk to the locker room.

Rayne's Aunts look towards my daughter and I then they smile and wave right before they head to the locker room.

Rayne and I talk for a couple more minutes then the teams come out for the prematch stuff.

After the pre match stuff happens, the game starts causing Rayne to look for our favorite players.

"Mommy?" Rayne asks as she shifts over to sit in my lap.

"Yes babygirl?" I say as I wrap my arms around my daughter.

"Why aren't Auntie Chrissy, Auntie Ashy and Auntie Ali playing?"

"I don't know munchkin." I say.

"Is that your special friend?" Rayne asks and points at a certain Blonde midfielder.

"Not yet." I say as I look at Kristie.

"Soon?" My daughter asks.

"Hopefully tonight." I say.

"Are you going with her tonight while I'm having date night Toby and Chrissy?" Rayne asks.

"Yep." I say.

"Cool." Rayne says then she looks at Kristie. "She's very pretty."

"Yes she is." I say then I blow a raspberry on my babygirl's cheek. "But nobody's as pretty as you."

"Mommy." Rayne says as she blushes and giggles. "Stop it."

"Okay." I say then I kiss my daughter's head.

Rayne focuses on the game while I focus on my impending date with Kristie.

I really hope by the end of the night that Kristie Mewis is my girlfriend, but I do have one concern.  

Even after the 4 dates we've had, the countless phone calls and text messages between us, and the numerous FaceTime dates Kristie and I have had, she has never once asked about Rayne.

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