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Stella's POV

"Stella have you checked your phone today?" Lewis asks as I arrive at our Garage at the Circuit of the America's in Austin, Texas.

"No I forgot to charge it last night so it's in my room charging...Why?" I say.

"Just follow me." Lewis says then leads me to Toto's desk in the garage.

When we get there I notice Toto, Susie, and the Mercedes F1 media team are around his desk in the garage.

I also notice that everyone in the garage is looking at us.

Weirdly everything is silent from all garages throughout the paddock.

There's literally no noise anywhere.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"No Stella you didn't." Toto says.

"Then someone explain what's going on."

"Stella." London says then she puts a hand on my shoulder.

Well this can't be good.

"Stella your mother passed away this morning." London says. "I'm so sorry."


"I'm so sorry."

"Okay." I whisper then head to my room

Once in my room I call the man who was once married to my Mom

"Please tell me it's not true" I say when he answers.

"She's dead." Clarence says. "Happy now?"

"Listen here you poor excuse of a man, My Mom lived longer because I got her better treatment because unlike you I love her." I say. "You barely visited her before I banned you from seeing her you dumb prick."

"Did you visit?" Clarence asks.

"I would have visited more, but I'm doing what my mom want's me to do and following my dreams." I say. "I wish it was you you pathetic, abusive, bastard of a man."

I hang up after that.

Today was supposed to be a great day.

I was supposed to win the United States Grand Prix and in turn win the Formula One World Drivers' Championship.

Now I just want this day to end.

"AHHHHHHHHHH." I yell then start throwing shit around the room.

This is gonna be a bitch to clean up.

"DAMMIT." I yell then punch the door making it fly off the hinges.

After I've gotten all my anger out I slide down the wall and break down.

"Baby?" I hear someone ask and I look up to see Kristie holding Rayne.

"Mommy?" Rayne says and squirms out of Kristie's arms and runs over to me. "Mommy what's wrong?

"Baby we need to take a walk." I say then pick her up.

I then walk the two of us out of my room and through the garage.

As we are walking out of the garage everyone in the team looks at us and they all are silent and get out of the way.

Once outside the garage I walk us out of the pits, over to the wall closest to the grandstands, and I sit the both of us down with Rayne in my lap.

"Rayne?" I say after a period of silence.

"Yes Mommy?"

"You know how I told you grandma was sick?"

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