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Stella's POV

"Come on baby." I say as I pick up my daughter. "It's time to go."

"Okay." Rayne mumbles as she rests her head on my shoulder.

Once my daughter is secure in my arms we leave our hotel room, head down stairs, leave the lobby, then get in the car that Tobin, Christen, Ash, Ali, and Kristie pulled around.

"You ready?" Ali asks from the front seat.

"Not really." I say. "But I don't have a choice."

Ali sighs and nods then she turns around and drives to the place my Mom's funeral is being held.

When we get to the church my Mom's funeral is being held at, Ali parks then the five of us get out of the car and head inside the church.

Once inside the church we head to the family waiting area where we snack on some food while waiting for the funeral to begin.

"STELLA." I hear one of Ali's family members shout.

"I'll go talk to them." Ali says.

"I'll go too." I say then Ali and I walk out of the room.

"Stella tell them we're family of your Mom." One of my aunts says.

"You know you're not." I say. "Did you forget exactly what my Mom told all of you after you turn your backs on me?"

"She wasn't serious." Ali's mom says.

"Really?" I rehotorically question then I pull out the letter my Mom left wrote for me before she passed away. "She wrote me a letter before she died and told me exactly what you all said to her when I got my dream job. She also told me that the only people she considers family from your family is Ash and Ali. The rest of you stopped being considered her family when you turned your back on me."

"You all knew what Aunt Barb thought of you after you basically disowned Stella." Ali says. "How are you shocked at her not wanting you here?"

Ali's always called my Mom Aunt Barb

"I've had enough of this." I say. "You can either go sit in the church with the rest of my Mom's friends and family or you can get back in your cars and fuck off."

"Are you seriously on her side Ali?" Kyle asks.

"With the way you treated her for following her dreams?" Ali questions. "Of course I am."

"If you'll excuse me." I say. "I have better places to be than speaking to people who hate me."

"I'll talk to you all later." Ali says.

Once we've said our peace we head back to the family waiting room.

"Everything okay?" Tobin asks. 

"Ali may lose her family." I say.

"What why?" Ash asks.

"We can talk about it later." Ali says.

"Stella." Mom's old pastor says as he walks in the room.

"Yes?" I ask.

"It's time."

- - - - -

"Ready to go munchkin?" I question as I look at the diagram of the track on the wall.

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