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Stella's POV

"Hey guys." I say with a smile as Tobin and Christen walk into the hotel room.

"Hey." Christen says as she hugs me.

"CHRISSY." Rayne shouts as she comes running towards us.

"Hey Rayne." Christen says then she picks up my daughter.

"Hi Toby." Rayne says.

"Hi Munchkin." Tobin says then she kisses Rayne's head. "You ready to go to NASA?"

This weekend is the United States Grand Prix which takes place at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas.

Today is Wednesday and myself, Kristie, Rayne, Tobin, and Christen are going to visit NASA in Houston then we'll head to Austin tomorrow.

"Yay." Rayne excitedly says. "Mommy says we can get some space food."

"I wonder what that tastes like." Tobin says.

"We can get some to try." Christen says.

"Sweet." Tobin says as my sister sets Rayne down

"Ready?" I say as Kristie comes out of the bedroom.

"Yep." Kristie says then she hands me my things. 

Once I have everything I'll need for the day the 5 of us leave the hotel room then we get in our rental Mercedes and head to NASA.

When we get to NASA I park where told to then we get out and meet our guide for the day.

"Hi I'm Allison Bolinger and I'm one of the Flight Directors here at NASA." A blonde lady says.

"Hi." I say and shake her hand. "I'm Stella Maxwell."

"Nice to meet you." Allison says then she greets everyone else. "Shall we get started with the tour?"

"Yes please." Rayne says.

"Well then follow me." Allison says with a smile then we follow her.

While we're following Allison she talks about the stuff we're passing while we're walking.

She also answers all of Rayne's questions.

"So here's our first stop of the day." Allison says then she leads us into the observation platform that over looks Mission Control.

"Woah." I say. "This looks way different than the movies."

"Way different." Kristie says as she intertwines our hands.

"Do you still control launches?" Rayne asks.

"Not since the space shuttle retired." Allison says. "Now we control the International Space Station.


"Almost all of the management of the vehicle systems happens from here as well as in Russia." Allison says. "There's also a team in Munich that controls the European module and a team in Tsukuba, Japan that controls the Japanese segment."

"I didn't know there we're so many different parts." Christen says.

"It's a big team job." Allison says. "You wanna go down and see what it's like inside?"

"Can we?" Rayne.

"Of course we can." Allison says with a smile. "Follow me.

The five of us do as told and follow Allison to the mission control room.

Once in the mission control room Allison runs over what every position on the floor does then we head over to our next destination.

"This is the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory." Allison says as we ascend some stairs.

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