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Stella's POV

"Everybody on?" I ask as I look back at Kristie's national team teammates.

"Yep." Kristie says.

"Alrighty then." I say then I pull away from the dock. "Let's go fishing."

Since Kristie and the USWNT won the World Cup earlier this year, I am keeping my word and taking them fishing on my boat.

All 22 of Kristie's World Cup winning teammates are here so it's a good thing my boat is very big.

Once we're away from the dock I drive us away from the dock and out toward our fishing spot in the Atlantic Ocean.

"Here we are." I say when we get to our fishing spot.

"Want me to drop the Anchor?" Ash asks.

"Yeah." I say then Ash drops the anchor.

"Mommy look." Rayne says.

"Watcha see baby?" I ask as I pick up my daughter.

"Dolphins." Rayne says.

"Where?" Lindsey says then two dolphins jump out of the water. "Never mind"

"I like Dolphins." Rayne says with a smile.

"You ready to fish baby?" I ask.

Rayne nods so I kiss her head then set her on the ground.

Once my daughter is on the ground I talk to everyone about where the rods are, what to do when fishing, and what to do when they catch a fish."

"...and if you need help bringing a fish in then let me, Ash, Ali, Tobin, or Christen know okay?" I say at the end of my spiel.

Everyone nods so I take off my shirt leaving me in a bikini top and my board shorts.

"Damn." I hear Kristie mumble.

"Oh I forgot to mention that we have drinks and snacks below deck that you can get when you need and bring them up here." I say. "Just make sure all your trash stays in the boat and goes in the trash can."

"DIBS FISHING FIRST." Emily shouts.

"Wow you're loud." Ash says.

"There's 6 pole's so 6 people can fish at the same time." I say.

"DIBS." A lot of people say.

Eventually the USWNT decided that Emily, Lindsey, Julie, Becky, Ash, and Tobin are going to be the first 6 people to fish.

"Hi Speedy." Kristie says as she wraps her arms around me.

"Hi Babygirl." I say with a smile as Kristie rests her chin on my shoulder.

"I can see why you like fishing so much." Kristie says as we watch her teammates fish. "It's very peaceful."

"That it is." I say then I kiss my girl.

"Uh Stella?" Lindsey says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Something's wrong with this fish." Lindsey says then she shows me the fish that's bitten in half.

"Aww poor thing." I say then I take the fish that's dead.

Once I have the fish I start cutting it up to use for bait.

"I'm sorry my friend." I say as I cut the Atlantic Bonito up. "May your spirit run with the great mother."

"The great mother?" Julie says.

"You heard that?" I question.

"We all did." Christen says.

"Why'd you say that?" Tobin questions.

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