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Stella's POV



"Time to go babygirl." I say I nudge my daughter awake.

"Five minutes please." Rayne says as she cuddles her Nemo plushy.

"Here." I say then I lift my daughter into my arms. "You can sleep as we walk to the garage."

"Okay." Rayne says as I hand her her Nemo plushie.

"Thank you for getting dressed when I asked." I say then I kiss Rayne's head.

"Welcome." My daughter sleepily says then she puts her head in my neck as I walk us out of our...well I don't know exactly what to call it.

The Mercedes team told me that at Each of the races I'd have my own motorhome to stay in during the weekend if I wanted too, but I don't class the motorhome as a motorhome.

It has a king sized bed, full kitchen, dining area, 2 bathroom's with shower and tub in both, as well as a living room with a pretty big tv.

Rayne and I also got to decorate it how we want which is cool.

After I'm out of the motorhome thingy I walk us through the paddock until we reach the Mercedes hospitality tent and garage.

When we get to the Mercedes area I head to my room then I lay Rayne down on the small couch before I change out of my clothes and into my racing suit.

Once I'm changed into my flameproof under shirt, flameproof boxers, and flameproof socks I put on my white racing suit then I put on Puma racing shoes, which me and Lewis are contractually obliged to wear even though I have a Nike sponsorship.

After I'm dressed I grab my helmet, my gloves, my neck collar, and my fire proof balaclava then I feel a tugging on my pants.

"Yes Rayne?" I say and turn around to look at my daughter.

"Hi." Rayne says and smiles at me which makes me chuckle.

"Hi princess." I say.

"I'm hungry." Rayne says.

"Well maybe Mrs. Susie can take you for breakfast while I'm on track."

"Are you racing today?"

"No." I say. "Just testing the new car."

"When do you race?" Rayne asks.

"Two weeks."

"Where we going?"

"The first race is in Australia."

"Oh." Rayne says. "Where are we now?"

"Barcelona, Spain."

"STELLA THEY'RE READY FOR YOU." London, my race engineer, says after knocking on the door.

"OKAY." I shout then I look down at Rayne. "Do you wanna go sit outside with Mrs. Susie and wait for me to drive off or do you want Mrs. Susie to take you for breakfast now?"

"Wanna watch." Rayne says then she grabs her Nemo plushie.

"Alright." I say as I grab everything I need. "Let's go Princess."

Rayne and I leave my room, head into the garage, then head to the main desk in the garage.

"Hey Rayndrop." Lewis says and smiles at my daughter.

"Hi uncle Lewis." Rayne says and waves.

When we get to the main desk in the garage I pick Rayne up, set her down next to, then place my helmet and stuff on the desk.

"Hey Maxwell's." London Solo, my race engineer, says as I look at her.

London is soulmate's with Hope Solo

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London is soulmate's with Hope Solo.

"Hey." Rayne and I say.

"Mommy my drawings are on your helmet." Rayne says and points at my helmet.

I took some of Rayne's drawings she's done for me and had them put on my racing helmet.

"Yes they are." I say as I watch my daughter look over my helmet. "Now you'll always be with me when I'm racing."

"That's so cool." Rayne says as I put my curly jet black hair into a ponytail.

"Good luck Kiss?" I question and lean down towards my daughter.

Rayne smiles at me before her little hands grab my face then she pulls me towards her and pecks my lips.

"Stay safe Mommy." Rayne says as I put my pony tail into my racing suit.

"You got it Princess." I say then I put my fireproof balaclava, my neck collar, and my helmet.

Once I'm ready to get in my ride I grab my gloves, head to my car, get in it, then get ready to drive.

"You got me Stella?" Toto asks over the radio.

"Loud and clear Boss man." I say.

"Stella it's London." My race engineer says over the radio. "You got me?"

"Gotcha." I say.

"Rayne's got her headset on Stella." Toto says.

"Can you hear me Rayne?" I ask as I belt up.

"Hi Mommy." Rayne says making me smile.

"Hi baby." I say as I put the wheel on the Car. "Rayne you remember what we talked about with Mr. Toto?"

"Mhmm." Rayne says. "I can sit next to him and listen to you as long as I don't press anything and if I need you then I ask Mrs. Susie first before I talk to you while your racing."

"Right." I say. "And Remember your coloring books and iPad are in your bag in my room so if you need them then get them after you have breakfast."

"Okay Mommy." Rayne says as I get the green light to pull out of the garage. "Love you."

"I love you Babygirl." I say then London comes over the radio.

"You ready Stella or do you need a moment?" London asks.

"Can I have a moment?" I question.

"Of course." London says. "Just tell us when your ready."

"Thanks." I say then I shut my eyes, take a deep breath, and admit what I'm about to do.

I'm about to make my dreams come true.

I'm about to make everyone in my family who hated the fact that I race realize that it was all worth it.

I'm about to make all the sacrifices my birth mom and my adoptive family made worth it.

"Alright." I say as I open my eyes. "I'm ready."

"Alright Stella." London says as I pull out of the garage. "We all know what many people think of you being on our team..."

I don't know if it's because i'm openly lesbian, a woman, or the fact I was born intersex, but a lot of the F1 community think I don't deserve to be here.

I don't really care about anybody's opinions.

I'm just gonna drive my ass off and hopefully win a championship or two along the way.

"Now's your time to shut them up."

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