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Stella's POV

"Okay you need to chill." Christen says as i nervously pace in my office at the Le Chateau Club.

"Excuse me for being nervous."

"Idiot." My sister mumbles then she smacks my forehead.

"Hey." I say then my sister forces me to sit down in a chair.

"You're literally getting married to Kristie in a few months." Christen says as she sits in front of me. "How are you more nervous for your Collaring Ceremony than your wedding?"

"I'm nervous for both." I say.

"Don't be." Christen says. "You two are perfect for each other and are gonna be together forever."

"Yeah." I mumble.

"Now take a deep breath, grab the collar, and let's go."

"Well someone's Bossy." I mumble then I do as Christen says.

After I take a deep breath, I grab the box that Kristie's collar is in, then my sister and I head out to the main area of the Le Chateau Club.

Once in the main area, I step up onto the stage then I set the box holding Kristie's collar onto a pedestal and look out at all the people here for the ceremony.

Most of our friends and family are here.

The only people who aren't here out of our friends and family is Kristie and I's parents and Rayne.

That would've been weird.

"Breathe." My sisters Christen, Channing, and Tyler mouth.

A few minutes later, Kristie appears in the room.

"Holy shit." I whisper as Kristie walks to me.

Kristie's wearing a beautiful grecian style white dress.

"Kristie Anne Mewis." I say when my submissive gets to the stage. "Would you please join me?"

"It would be my Honor Mistress." Kristie says then she steps up on stage and joins me.

Once onstage, Kristie faces our friends and family then she kneels at my feet.

"State your names." Alyssa Naeher says.

The collaring ceremonies are taped and sent to the IDSF.

"Stella Elizabeth Maxwell." I say.

"Right now it's Kristie Anne Mewis." My soulmate says. "But in a few months it'll be Kristie Anne Maxwell."

"Are you ready to begin Kristie?" Amy Rodriguez asks.

"Yes Ma'am." Kristie says. "I'm ready for the questions."

Before a submissive is collared by her domme, 5 other domme's ask the submissive questions to test her loyalty to the Domme.

There a 4 universal questions then one random question.

I find the question thing a bit stupid, but the IDSF, The International Dominant Submissive Federation, requires the questions to be asked.

"Who is your Domme?" Amy asks.

"My Domme is Stella Elizabeth Maxwell." Kristie says.

"Do you submit to your Mistress of your own free will?" Sydney Leroux asks.

"Yes." Kristie says. "I wouldn't submit to my Mistress if I did not feel safe with her."

"What does the acceptance of this collar mean to you?" Emma Harris asks.

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