Chapter 1

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"Kang Y/N, you're late again." Professor Jeong shook his head when Y/N walked into his class. University professors don't even know most of their students' names but Y/N is definitely a popular one.

"Sorry, I got caught up in traffic." Y/N lied.

"Yeah, that excuse doesn't work anymore. Just go sit down." Mr. Jeong is tired of telling Y/N to come on time. The girl either skips her classes or shows up late. There's no in between. However today she was only five minutes late, which is already an improvement.

Kang Y/N isn't the ordinary 21 year old university student that you would think of. She's one of the most popular students at the university but that's not due to a good reputation. She's a bit of the rebellious type you could say. Many are even surprised by the fact that she managed to survive three years in university since it seems like she doesn't care about studying at all.

"I'm so sorry for being late, Mr. Jeong." Sana walked into the classroom out of breath. She ran to make sure that she wouldn't be late but seems like running didn't help.

"It's okay, Sana. I will let it pass since it's your first time. You can go sit next to Y/N." Sana sighed internally hearing that. This is what she gets for being late. Now she has to sit next to the one person that she doesn't want to sit next to at all. She looked around to see if there are any other empty seats, but unfortunately they're all occupied.

"You're late, that's weird." Y/N whispered with a smirk on her face.

"You're early, that's weird." Sana fired back, which Y/N enjoys. She loves it when Sana fires back.

"You know me so well. Is that how much you love me?"

"Shut up, Y/N." This is the reason why Sana doesn't like Y/N at all. The girl is arrogant and thinks way too highly of herself. She thinks she rules the university and she's convinced that she can get whoever she wants.

"I'm really waiting for the day that you finally accept that you're in love with me."

"Are you crazy? Why would I be in love with you?" Sana is starting to get annoyed. Y/N has been like this ever since last year and she doesn't seem to give up.

"You two, please be quiet." The professor pointed at them.

"Yes, sir!" Y/N answered loudly.

The lecture continued for about an hour until Mr. Jeong finally decided to end it.

"Class is done. You can all leave." The man informed and students immediately stood up to leave the room.

"You should be smiling because you got to sit next to the one and only Kang Y/N, but why do you look angry?" Y/N decided to annoy Sana a bit more while Sana was gathering her stuff.

"When are you going to stop? Aren't you getting tired of this?" Sana questioned.

"Nope, I enjoy being around you and I'm pretty convinced that you want me, so why not give in already?"

"What makes you think that I want you?" Sana doesn't understand the slightest bit where Y/N got that idea from.

"Because we're the same, Sana-ssi. You're popular, I'm popular and since literally every girl on campus is dying to be with me, I'm sure you're no exception." Y/N shook her head.

"I hate to break it to you, Kang Y/N, but I'm not interested in you at all." Sana went closer to Y/N and placed her hand on Y/N's chest. "Seems like I'm the first girl to reject you, huh? Better get used to it." Sana smirked and slapped Y/N's face lightly before leaving.

"When are you going to give up? It's been ages and she still hasn't give in." Nayeon, Y/N's best friend, asked.

"I don't get it, she's hooked up with almost every gay girl on campus, hell she even has hooked up with straight girls. Why won't she do it with me?" Y/N is someone that is pretty open about her sexuality. Everyone knows that she's gay and it's no secret that she likes to play with girls' feelings since many have witnessed it before. She's the type of girl to make out with someone in the hallways and not care about the stares at all.

Sana is openly bisexual as well but she's nothing like Y/N. She likes to keep her sexuality and relationships on the low. She likes to hook up from time to time but not a lot of people know about it since Sana has a good reputation. She's a good student, has good grades and very good behaviour. There's not a single person on campus that doesn't like her.

"Maybe she's just not attracted to you." Nayeon guessed.

"That's impossible, everyone is attracted to me."

"I'm not attracted to you." The older girl stated.

"That's because you only have eyes for Yoo Jeongyeon." Y/N chuckled.

"Shut the fuck up." Nayeon hit the girl's arm. "Do you really just want to get in her pants or is Kang Y/N finally falling for someone?"

"Yeah, in your dreams. I only want her for sex, nothing more." Y/N admits that she finds Sana very attractive. She's definitely one of the most beautiful girls that she has seen at the campus and the Japanese girl has a body to die for. Who wouldn't want to get into Sana's pants?

"And it annoys you that she hooked up with basically everyone except for you right?" Nayeon laughed which made Y/N glare at her. It's true though. Sana hooks up with every girl that approaches her,  but why is she acting like this towards Y/N? Y/N has been trying to get into Sana's pants since last year, but with no success.

"Anyways, I should go home." Y/N decided to ignore her friend's statement.

"But we still have two classes." Nayeon informed.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that. See you later Nayeon unnie!" Y/N yelled and left the scene. She went to the front of the campus where the parking lot is and approached her motorbike. She took out her helmet and put it on before turning on the engine. She saw Sana and her friends in the distance and winked at Sana before riding away.

Sana and her friends are definitely not impressed by Y/N, but all the other students seem to be. Y/N is popular and many students talk about her because she isn't the usual student that you come across. She goes around with a motorbike, has tattoos all over her right arm and she's just straight up arrogant and narcissistic. Let's not forget the fact that she's always dressed entirely in black. You'll never see her wear any other colour. 

"Did she just wink at you?" Momo asked her friend Sana.

"I'm sure she did." Mina added.

"She's still annoying you?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, I want to slap the shit out of her. She's so annoying." Sana said in frustration.

"She's the only gay girl that you haven't hooked up with on our campus. Why don't you just give in? Y/N seems to be dying to get into your pants."

"You're making it sound like I'm a playgirl, Mina." Sana chuckled. "There aren't even that many gay or bi girls at our campus. Besides I only hooked up with like half of them, you know very well that I don't hook up with girls that have hooked up with Y/N before."

"Still, it's a surprise that you two haven't hooked up yet." Momo furrowed her eyebrows. Y/N and Sana, both into girls and both very popular yet they never took it further than just annoying each other.

"Just look at the girls that she flirts with, Momo-yah. They're definitely not the type of girls that I would go for. She's basically hooking up with hoes. I'm not on the same level as those low class people. Besides I can't ruin my reputation by hooking up with her. She'll tell everyone about it and there goes my dirty little secret." If she gets involved with Kang Y/N, it'll harm her reputation. She doesn't want people to find out that she had sex with the bad girl of their university. It'll only be harmful. 

"It's not really a secret anymore. Most people here know that you like to fuck around." Mina stated.

"Still, the girls I hook up with are pretty much like me. They're good students with good reputations. Do you really think I would lower myself to Kang Y/N's level?" Sana asked in annoyance.

"Of course you wouldn't." Momo shook her head. If there's one thing that Sana really cares about, it's her reputation. She always carefully chooses who to hook up with in order to not harm her reputation.

"Enough talking about Kang Y/N. I have better things to talk about, don't I?" Sana raised her eyebrows and walked away leaving her two friends behind.


A/N: New book!! I hope you guys will like this story and please vote and comment!

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