Chapter 50

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The next morning someone knocked on Y/N's door. She opened it and was met with a girl that she hasn't seen before.

"Yes?" Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"I need to give you something. You know something useful." The girl tried to explain. Y/N remembered that Seulgi told her that someone would give her a phone so she let her in.

"Here's the phone." The girl handed her an old phone. Y/N was right.


"You should watch the news in a few minutes. There's something you need to see." The girl informed and was about to walk away but Y/N stopped her.

"Wait, who are you? I haven't seen you here before."

"My name's Yena. You probably don't remember me but we were in the same gang a few years ago until I got arrested. I was close to Seulgi unnie." 

"Why haven't I seen you here before? Are you one of Noze's members?" Y/N questioned to which Yena laughed.

"Hell no, I would rather die than to work with her. I just like to stay on the low. If you need something you can always come to me. I know you can handle yourself but still, I know this place better than you do." Yena smiled and left the room. Y/N did as she was told and went out of the room as well. There's a small tv in the common area where they can watch the news. There the news that Chou Tzuyu has died was shown which made Y/N smirk to herself.

"I can't believe you actually did this." Nayeon showed up beside her. "Isn't killing her too much?" She whispered.

"No, she deserved it."

"You're insane." Nayeon looked at her in disgust.

"You never cared when I did this in the past." Y/N has lots of blood on her hands yet Nayeon never really commented on it.

"That was in the past, I care now."

"Well, don't. Everyone who gets in my way will disappear. Simple as that." Y/N stated and walked away. Suddenly two of the guards came inside and went to Chaeyoung's room. Y/N saw it happening and followed them.

"Son Chaeyoung, you need to come with us." One of the guards said to Chaeyoung who was laying in her bed. 

"Why?" Y/N asked. 

"It looks like she's not feeling well. We need to bring her to the hospital." Everyone has noticed by now that Chaeyoung is not doing well physically.

"She's fine, she's just shocked that she's here."

"Someone told us that she's experiencing withdrawal. If that's really the case we need to transfer her to a rehab center." 

"Who the fuck told you that?" Y/N clenched her fist. "It's not true. She's not experiencing withdrawal."

"Then why is she like this huh?" The other guard gestured to the girl that seems lifeless.

"She's just not feeling well."

"We still need to take her with us. The doctors will tell us what's wrong with her. We can't let her die here. So Chaeyoung-ssi stand up please." The guards helped her up.

"Let her go. You can't take her." Y/N interrupted them.

"Please, Y/N-ssi let us do our job."

"Is this your fucking job?!" She yelled. At this point everyone is looking at them. "Instead of taking her out of here how about you stop these psychopaths from bothering her?" She gestured to Noze and her gang.

"Please do not cause a scene."

"It's because she's powerless isn't it? You wouldn't do this to me or to Noze but you do it to Chaeyoung because she's not as powerful as us. You're pathetic, both of you!"

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