Chapter 51

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Five years later

"Y/N-ah, we found the culprit." Noze informed.

"You did? Where is she?"

"We cornered her in the bathroom and took her to my room. Should I handle her or should we do it together?" Noze smirked.

"I surely do not want to miss the fun." Y/N stood up and followed Noze to her room.

"Is she the one?" Y/N asked when they walked in and saw Noze's members and Yena holding a girl tightly.

"Yes, she is." Yena smiled.

"So you had the nerve to snitch us to the guards huh?" Y/N approached the girl.

"I-I'm sorry. I had to."

Noze slapped the girl upon hearing her answer. "Because of you they got rid of the little drugs we had here." Yes, Y/N and Noze deal drugs in prison. They still need to make money from somewhere.

"Easy there." Y/N stopped Noze from hitting the girl again. "Why hurt your hands? We can do this another way. How about we make her lose a finger?" Y/N chuckled.

"That's indeed a good idea." Noze laughed.

"Alright, this is gonna hurt." Y/N took a knife out of her pocket.

"Please, don't please. I won't do it anymore." The girl begged. "I swear I won't do it anymore. I'm sorry."

"Too late for that. Hold her pinky for me." Y/N told Noze's members and they did as they were told. Noze made clear to them that Y/N and her are on good terms and that they should listen to Y/N like they listen to her.

"Do you want to do it or should I?" Y/N asked Noze.

"Go ahead." Noze smiled and Y/N cut the girl's pinky finger off making her scream in pain.

"Next time you snitch us you'll lose a hand." Y/N informed and slapped the girl's face lightly just to make herself clear.

"Make sure she stops screaming before the guards come." Noze told the girls and she and Y/N went out of the room.

"Now there's frickin blood in my room." Noze sighed.

"That's why you should sleep in my room tonight." Y/N smirked as she held Noze's waist.

"Why the fuck is someone screaming?" Nayeon whisper yelled to them. It's the middle of the night and she got woken up by someone screaming.

"We just took care of someone." Noze informed.

"One week, guys. Be good for one more week and we can get the fuck out of here." Nayeon reminded them. Chaeyoung and Irene got released about a year ago. As for Nayeon and Noze they're supposed to get released within a week. Y/N has another two years but luckily Y/N actually got her sentence reduced so she'll be getting out in a week as well.

"It's fine. The guards are on our side, Nayeon unnie." Y/N winked. The guards are even more scared now that Noze and Y/N became a team. Therefore they let them get away with anything.

"Now go to sleep, both of you." Nayeon ordered after scolding them. The two listened and went to Y/N's room laying on the small bed. Noze put her head in the crook of Y/N's head while Y/N wrapped her arm around her.

"Something wrong?" Y/N questioned. She can see that Noze's been feeling off for the past few days.

"Just thinking about where I will go after I get released. I have nowhere to go." Noze sighed.

"Just move in with me." Y/N simply suggested as if it was nothing.

"R-really? Can I?" Noze looked at her with hope in her eyes.

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