Chapter 13

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The next morning Y/N's lawyer called and told her that Chaeyoung is free to go. Yes, Y/N has her own lawyer. How else do you think she stays out of trouble? She has the money to afford him so she keeps him around.

Y/N got herself ready and made her way to the police station. When she arrived she saw Chaeyoung, Sana and her lawyer talking to her uncle.

"Your friend here is good to go." Her uncle informed. "But this will surely be in your record so you better don't repeat this, Ms. Son."

"I'll try." Chaeyoung chuckled to which Sana slapped her arm.

"You really need some decent friends, Y/N." The officer shook his head to which Y/N smiled. All of Y/N's friends are like this and she of course as well. 

"Thank you Mr. Han for taking care of this." Y/N thanked her lawyer.

"Anytime Y/N-ssi." The man smiled and left.

"We'll get going too uncle. See you later." Y/N told her uncle.

"See you later girls. I hope not here again." He joked and the three girls left the police station.

"We're going home right now and we're going to act like nothing happened. You just stayed over at Y/N's and nothing else happened. Understood?" Sana explained to her sister.

"Yes, unnie."

"And afterwards we're going to have to talk." Sana sounds pretty scary right now. It's clear that she's not pleased with this situation at all.

"Don't be too hard on her." Y/N interrupted.

"You have no right to come between us so stay out of this."

"I'm just saying. No need to be a bitch." Y/N mumbled but they all clearly heard it.

"I'm going to say this one last time Kang Y/N. This was the last straw. I don't want you anywhere near me or Chaeyoung again."

"And I already said that I can't do that." Staying away from Chaeyoung is not that hard but staying away from Sana is. The more Sana pushes her away the more Y/N feels attracted to her.

"You're really a pain in the ass, aren't you?" Sana asked angrily.

"Of course. I always am. You know I wouldn't be bothering you this much if I didn't know your true feelings towards me. I know you like me, I know you're attracted to me and I know you won't hook up with me because you're scared. Scared that you'll fall for me."

"You're delusional as fuck. Let's go Chaeyoung-ah." Sana stated and pulled Chaeyoung with her.


"Where have you girls been?" Mrs. Son asked once the two girls arrived.

"I went to pick up Chaeyoung from Y/N's place." 

"I see. So you two are finally getting along?" The woman smiled.

"Hell no, never in a million years will I get along with Kang Y/N."

"Did something happen? Why do you look like something happened?" Chaeyoung's father also showed up.

"Nothing happened, just Sana unnie fighting with Y/N unnie as always." Chaeyoung defended.

"You know Y/N looks and acts a lot like your ex. Is that maybe the reason why you don't like her?" Mrs. Son questioned.

"I don't like her because she's an awful person. Please don't look for something else behind this." Sana pleaded as she walked to her room. 

A couple of hours later Sana decided that it was time to talk to Chaeyoung. She couldn't talk to her when they came because their parents were around but now nobody's home except for the two.

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