Chapter 35

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"Hey babe." Sana smiled when Y/N opened her front door. Sana has been coming to her place a lot lately.

"Hey, beautiful." Y/N pulled her girlfriend into a short kiss.

"You don't want to come to the library with me so I thought I should bring the library to you." Sana placed some books on the table which made Y/N sigh. She's so not in the mood to study right now. She just wants to cuddle with her girlfriend.

"How about we don't study and just relax instead?"

"I need the time, Y/N. I'm not like you, I can't just study the day before. I'll definitely fail then." Sana shook her head.

"You won't fail. You're the top student after all."

"I'm pretty sure you would be the top student if you would study more. It's very impressive you can score that high just by studying one day."

"I would be yeah, but I don't want that. I'm satisfied with just passing." Y/N shrugged it off. She really doesn't care that much about university.

"Okay then how about you help me study? I'm not good at this subject, so help me out?" Sana knows the only way her girlfriend will agree to study is if she asks for help.

"I'm pretty sure you're good at it. There's no subject you're not good that."

"C'mon pleaseee." Sana pleaded as she held Y/N's arm. "Help your girlfriend out? We'll have a great time afterwards." She whispered seductively.

"Fine." Y/N sighed. "Let's study then."

The two sat down at the table and started to study. Just as Y/N expected, Sana is not having trouble with the subject at all. On the contrary Y/N is having a bit trouble with it.

"That's why you have to start a bit earlier, babe. Now you have time to go through the things you don't understand."

"I'll be fine." This has never happened before. Y/N has never had trouble with any subject until now but this time she doesn't understand anything. It seems like she underestimated this one.

"Do you know what this means?" Sana asked as she pointed her pen to a term.

"Euhmmmm, no idea."

"Let me help you." Sana stood up and went behind Y/N. She lowered herself next to her girlfriend and started to explain. However Y/N couldn't focus at all. How can she when her smoking hot girlfriend is right next to her?

"Do you understand now?" Sana asked looking into Y/N's eyes.

"Yes, I do." Y/N smiled and pulled Sana onto her lap. "You're so hot when you explain things like that."

"Hmm really?"

"Yes, really." Y/N crashed her lips onto Sana's. They kissed slowly and passionately for some time until Sana pulled away.

"We're not done yet, don't try to distract me."

"We've been studying for hours. Isn't this enough?" The bad girl sighed in frustration.

"One more hour and then we can do something else, okay?"

"Fine." The only person Y/N would do this for is definitely Sana.

Luckily an hour passed by quickly and Sana finally agreed on taking a break.

"I've never studied this much a week before a freakin exam." Y/N sighed deeply.

"You choose Y/N, either I study alone or with you. But if you won't join me then I can't guarantee you'll see me that much."

"I'll study with you. As long as I can be with you then I don't care what we do." Most students shut down their social life during exams and that's exactly what Sana does.

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