Chapter 30

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Y/N just parked her motorcycle in the school's parking lot and took her helmet off. Since she has a black eye from the fight with Nayeon, she put on sunglasses in order to not draw any attention. It won't be good for people to know that Nayeon did that to her but then again almost everyone who was at that party saw the fight.

"Kang Y/N!" Someone yelled before Y/N could walk away from her bike. She turned around to see Jeongyeon approaching her.

"What's up?" 

"I see you put on your sunglasses, guess Nayeon unnie really hit you hard huh." The girl chuckled. Rumor goes around that Nayeon and Y/N almost killed each other.

"What do you want? If you want to hook up again, then I'm busy. Sorry."

"That's not what I want, definitely not since I know why you even hooked up with me. Nayeon unnie told me everything." She crossed her arms.

"Great so now you know that I'm not interested in you." Y/N laughed which made Jeongyeon even more angry.

"You're a disgusting human being, do you know that?"

"Yeah, I know." Y/N stated proudly.

"You knew Nayeon unnie liked me and you did this?"

"She even told you that? Damn, what a snitch. Well, this all happened because of you. You're the one that let me fuck you because that's how much you like me."

"Stop lying." Jeongyeon approached her in anger. "You drugged me and then took pictures of me naked. You didn't fuck me." 

"You were drunk, that's why you don't remember. I did actually fuck you." Y/N stated.

"What are you talking about? I didn't drink at all that night, I remember very well. I started to feel weird after that water you gave me and then I woke up in your bed."

"So you're accusing me of putting something in your drink?" The bad girl raised her eyebrows.

"You know when I woke up I actually thought we had hooked up but after hearing Nayeon unnie's story, I know that we didn't do anything. You just used me to make her mad. You're a disgusting human being."

"Just shut up, Jeongyeon-ah. You let me fuck you and that's it. How are you so sure that I didn't touch you? You were barely sober so I doubt you'd remember."

"Because when I woke up you weren't even there. One of your neighbours confirmed to me that you had left shortly after we got to your apartment. Besides if you had fucked me, I would have felt it the next morning, but I didn't."

"Then I didn't fuck you hard enough." Y/N laughed.

"You know I could go to the police with this right? This is a crime." Y/N really drugged her and then took pictures of her naked to send it to someone else. 

"But you won't, right? Because in the end you did come to my apartment by your own will. I didn't force you to come with me."

"Just leave me alone from now on and Nayeon unnie as well."

"I see you two teamed up against me, huh? Great. The love birds finally got together." Y/N stated in sarcasm.

"You're lucky that I'm the one talking to you right now. Nayeon unnie would have killed you if I didn't stop her."

"Do you think I'll let her easily kill me like that? Tell her that I'm waiting for her. She knows very well that I can handle her that's why she's not here right now." Y/N stated and walked away to go to class.

The moment she walked inside, she noticed that she has no one to sit next to. She always sat next to Nayeon, but now that they fought that's not an option. She saw Sana in the distance and Sana just smiled weakly at her. It's really unfortunate that they're girlfriends but that they can't even sit next to each other at class. But Sana never said that she can't sit next to Momo, so Y/N went and sat down next to her. Right next to Momo was Sana.

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