Chapter 11

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After Y/N dropped Sana off at her house, she went home. The moment she arrived she threw herself on bed and sighed out of frustration. Sana is making her really mad. If it weren't for Y/N, the girl would have gotten raped yet Sana has the audacity to tell her that she's not impressed by it?

Y/N didn't even do it to impress her. She did it out of reflex. She couldn't control her actions and can't even understand why she wanted that guy dead at the moment. She's seen Sana kiss a lot of girls and boys and it never made her mad but this time it was different. He was kissing her against her will.

Sana just keeps wandering in Y/N's mind and it's driving her crazy. Never has a girl had an effect on Y/N but now there is. However it's not a good one. Y/N is particularly feeling anger towards Sana. Anger because Sana just won't give in, anger because Sana keeps saying bad shit about her. Sana is basically acting like a bitch and Y/N decided not to give her any attention anymore. She doesn't deserve it after acting like that. Y/N just feels humiliated. Imagine saving someone and putting yourself at risk just for that person to tell you that it wasn't needed. Yeah, it's humiliating as fuck.

Sana does feel bad about how she acted. She knows Y/N didn't do it to impress her. She just felt embarrassed at that moment. Y/N wasn't supposed to save her, Y/N wasn't supposed to see a weak side of her yet she did. She did want to thank Y/N, after all she might have gotten raped but something stopped her from doing so. She does realize that she's being mean to Y/N and the bad girl always seemed to enjoy it but today was different. Y/N actually seemed kinda hurt?


A few days have passed and Y/N skipped all her classes. She just doesn't feel like going to campus. She'd rather stay home and smoke some weed.

But unfortunately Nayeon came to her apartment today and basically dragged her to school with her.

"Can't you come to your classes yourself? Why do you need me?" Y/N asked when they arrived on campus.

"It's hell here by myself. You know you're my only friend here, it's just weird to go to class by myself."

"Then how about you just don't go at all? You can come to my place and we can smoke and drink. It'll be fun you know." Y/N winked.

"And then fail my classes? Yeah, ain't happening Kang Y/N."

"I skip my classes and still pass."

"Your case is different." Nayeon sighed and hit her friend's arm.

"There's your girl by the way." Nayeon smirked looking at someone in the distance.

Y/N turned to see Nayeon looking at Sana. The moment she looked, she and Sana locked eyes. However Y/N immediately looked away. She still feels humiliated.

"Not anymore." Y/N stated and started to walk.

"Something happened?"

"No, I'm just done running after her." It's partially true but not entirely. She doesn't mind running after Sana, what she does mind is Sana acting like Y/N is some kind of psychopath.

"You were so persistent on sleeping with her though."

"There are plenty of other girls I can sleep with." Y/N stated as a matter of fact and the two walked into class.


While in class, Sana couldn't stop staring at Y/N. She keeps staring at her to provoke a reaction out of her but Y/N is straight up just ignoring her. Sana knows that Y/N is aware that she's staring at her yet there's no reaction. Is Y/N really butthurt over what Sana said?

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