Chapter 34

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One month later

"Where have you been?" Sana's mother asked when her daughter came home in the morning.

"I told you I stayed at Y/N's last night."

"You've been staying the night there a lot lately." Chaeyoung noticed.

"She's using you." Mr. Son added.

"No, she's not." Sana denied in frustration.

"How are you so sure? I mean isn't it weird that she's around you all the time but doesn't even ask you to become more? At this point you two should be in a relationship." Her mother crossed her arms. It's clear that Sana has feelings for Y/N so Mrs. Son is just worried that her daughter is being used for sex.

"Well, we actually are in a relationship. She and I are dating." Sana revealed. She's been getting so many questions from her family lately that she's getting sick of it. It's best to tell them the truth.

"Wait what? You two are in a relationship?" Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes, we are."

"Since when?" The younger girl is not liking this.

"About two months ago."

"And you didn't tell us. Why?" Her mother questioned.

"I just wanted to be sure of our relationship first before we go public."

"You should break up with her. A girl like you should not be associated with a girl like her." Chaeyoung's father suggested.

"Who are you to tell me to break up with her?"

"I'm your father so I have every right to."

"You're not my father. Stop acting like you have a say in my life because you don't." Sana is getting frustrated with this man.

"Sana don't talk like that to your father."

"My father? He's not my real father. My father is in Japan and he's very much alive so stop acting like he just disappeared from our lives!" She's sick of her family acting like Sana doesn't have a biological father who lives in another country.

"Can you guys please stop?" Chaeyoung demanded. "We're drifting away from the main topic here. She just said that she's dating Kang Y/N."

"Are you happy, Sana?" Mrs. Son asked.

"I'm very happy right now. I know that there are risks to this relationship but I walked into it knowing it. So please spare me everything you're going to say because I already know it."

"As long as you're happy I can't really say anything." After all Mrs. Son was the one who wanted her children to get close to Y/N so right now she can't really protest against this relationship.

"Unnie, I know you like her a lot but are you sure she feels the same?" Chaeyoung asked. She has known Y/N more closely so she knows Y/N can't be in a serious relationship with someone. She's just worried that her older sister will get hurt in the end. She doesn't deserve it after going through the same thing with Tzuyu.

"She probably doesn't. I mean that Kang Y/N girl, you really think she's serious with you? I can't believe you're actually that stupid to fall for her. And that after going through hell with a girl that is just like her." The man shook his head.

"I'm getting sick of you, do you know that? Do you want to know the real reason why I'll never see you as my father?" Sana approached him. "It's because you always treated me differently. You're so sweet to my mom, to Chaeyoung and to Daejung but you've always had this hate towards me. You never supported me in anything that I did nor did you say anything positively about me. You never treated me like your own child and that's why I'll never treat you like my own dad."

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