Chapter 44

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Another two weeks have passed and both Y/N and Sana are feeling like shit. Sana has a hard time dealing with the loss of her father and the fact that her mom and step-dad are not supporting her in this matter only makes it harder for her. Luckily Chaeyoung and Daejung are helping her out or else she wouldn't survive living in that household.

As for Y/N, well she's confused about a lot of things especially herself. She can barely recognise herself lately and it's fucking with her mind. Why does she not want to hook up with other girls? I mean she hasn't had sex ever since she fought with Sana and it's weird that she doesn't even have the urge to do that. Is it because she knows it's wrong to have sex with a random girl when she hasn't completely broken up with her girlfriend? Or is it because she actually just doesn't feel the need anymore? Let's be honest it's probably the second one. Y/N doesn't really have any morals so she's the last person that would think about what's wrong and what's right.

Despite Sana having a hard time with dealing with her loss, she still tries to make up with Y/N. She calls the girl everyday, sometimes shows up at her apartment and makes sure she does everything to show Y/N that she's head over heels for her. But unfortunately Y/N is still giving her the cold shoulder. It seems like Y/N isn't going to forgive her anytime soon and she's worried. Worried that Y/N will just go off with another girl and leave her behind. Even if Y/N is having sex with other girls at this point, she can't mind. Because after all she's the first one that cheated and knowing how much Y/N likes to have sex, she's most probably having sex right now with some random girl. Do you see how they actually barely know each other? Because Sana's thoughts couldn't be more wrong.

"Who's calling?" Seulgi asked her younger sister while they were smoking weed.

"It's Sana."

"Why aren't you picking up?" The girl has called a few times by now but Y/N is just ignoring it.

"I don't feel like talking to her right now."

"I know that you two are on bed terms but her dad just died. Can't you try to be more supportive?"

"I already did what I can. I'm not capable of doing more." Y/N just sighed. She bought the girl tickets to Japan, she even went to the funeral and was by her side. What more can she do?

"You've been ignoring her for two weeks now."

"It's what she deserves. I don't have it in me to be even more there for her than I already was." 

"Stop limiting yourself like that. She's been trying her best to make you forgive her for the past two weeks. I can see she's literally doing everything she can. Don't you think you should give her a chance by now?" Seulgi raised her eyebrows. She's sick of Y/N acting like this.

"You know what's funny? You wouldn't let me forgive a cheater if I didn't have a fucking disorder, would you? It's all because I'm fucking sick in the mind that you think forgiving a cheater is better than not forgiving her!"

"This has nothing to do with your disorder, Y/N." Seulgi sighed. Y/N always thinks that Seulgi is bringing her disorder into everything when she's not. "This has to do with you. You're acting as if you're the most loyal girlfriend out there that never broke a heart. Did you forget the amount of hearts you broke in the past? Or how many girls ended up crying because of you. Did you fucking forget that a girl killed herself because of you?!" Seulgi really needs to put some sense into her sister.

"I told you to never talk about that again." Y/N warned with scary eyes.

"Why? It happened didn't it? You played with the girl's feelings and led her on thinking that you were going to date her. When she find out that you've been lying and fucking other girls she fucking killed herself, Y/N. It's sour now that you got your own heart broken isn't it?" Seulgi chuckled. "It's okay to break hearts as long as it isn't your own, huh? The world doesn't work that way, Y/N. This is just karma that it happened to you."

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