Chapter 5

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Y/N rode to a small coffee shop with Chaeyoung behind her back. The moment they arrived Chaeyoung grew in confusion.

"Why are we here? I thought we were going to hang out with your friends?" Chaeyoung questioned.

"Yeah, change of plans. Let's go inside." Y/N walked in and Chaeyoung had no choice but to follow. Y/N ordered for the both of them and sat down.

"Are you going to tell me why we're here and not with your friends?"

"I don't think it's right for you to go there right now." Y/N sipped her coffee.

"Why? It was fine yesterday." Chaeyoung is a bit annoyed. Y/N told her that they would go to a house party today that some of Y/N's friends are in charge of but suddenly they're here at a coffee shop.

"You're not ready for that. The house party we were talking about is not like the parties you know. There are drugs involved. Many. You could easily get in trouble." Y/N's friends are pretty much addicts and it always gets out of hand. They also keep calling it a house party when in reality there are always less than 10 people.

"Did my sister say something to you? Just don't mind her unnie."

"She did and she was right. I can't take you there, Chaeyoung-ah." Y/N shook her head.

"I don't fucking understand." Y/N was literally okay with taking Chaeyoung everywhere. She introduced her to some of her friends and she even took her to one of those house parties before but now she's refusing? "This is about my sister isn't it? You've been acting different ever since you found out that she's my sister. What's the deal with you two? Do you hate each other?"

"I don't hate her but she hates me. And I just don't want to get even more on her bad side by getting you into fuckedup stuff."

"Why does she hate you? Don't tell me you two hooked up?" Chaeyoung widened her eyes. It would make sense. Y/N is a flirt, Sana is a flirt. It wouldn't be a surprise for them to have hooked up.

"No, no. At least not yet." Y/N chuckled.

"Not yet? So you want to?"

"Yeah, I do. But she keeps rejecting me no matter how hard I try."

"And now you're going to use me to get what you want, right?" Chaeyoung connected the dots.

"No. Look I just want to get on your sister's good side so please whatever you do, don't get in trouble. Even if it's not my fault, she'll blame me."

"Why are you trying so hard? Do you like her?" In the few months Chaeyoung has known Y/N, she's seen that Y/N doesn't run after people. People run after her. But why is she running after Sana?

"No. I just want to prove her that she wants me in bed just as much as I want her in bed." Y/N chuckled and the younger girl shook her head in disgust. She hates to just think about it.

"So you just want her body?"

"Pretty much." Y/N nodded to herself. "Don't look at me like that Chaeyoung-ah. Your sister is just like me."

"I just... I don't know what to say. Just don't hurt her. She might seem cold towards you, but I feel like you could easily hurt her."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What makes you think that?"

"Just a gut feeling." The younger girl shrugged it off. Sana is not the kind of person to be mean to someone. Hell, Chaeyoung has never even seen her be rude to someone in her life. Y/N is the first person that Chaeyoung has seen Sana be rude to. There must be something behind this, but she doesn't know what.

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