Chapter 33

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The next morning Sana woke up next to a sleeping Y/N. From the way Y/N is sleeping, Sana can see that the girl is in pain. Y/N usually doesn't sleep in this position but now she's sleeping pretty weirdly because her leg is injured. Sana got up, went to the bathroom and took some of Y/N's clothes to wear.

She loves to wear Y/N's clothes, because first of all they're very comfortable. Sana doesn't have that many comfortable clothes so wearing Y/N's is definitely comforting. Second of all the clothes just smell very good. Sana has mentioned it before how she loves Y/N's scent.

After getting dressed Sana saw that Y/N was still sleeping. She approached the girl and kissed her forehead before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

She made Y/N some toast with eggs and right when she was about to bring it to her, Y/N entered the kitchen herself.

"I thought you had already left. Don't you have classes?" Y/N questioned.

"Why are you walking around? You should be resting!" Sana approached her.

"I'm fine, beautiful." The girl pecked her lips.

"Should I get used to that nickname?"

"Yeah, you should." Y/N chuckled and her arms snuck their way to Sana's waist. "Now answer my question. Why are you still here and not in class?"

"Classes can wait. My girlfriend is hurt so I need to take care of her."

"You're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for." Y/N smiled and pulled the Japanese girl in a slow kiss.

"Let's sit down and have breakfast." Sana suggested.

Y/N nodded and sat down to eat. While eating, Sana kept staring at her and Y/N can already guess why. It's going to be a hard task explaining everything that happened yesterday.

"Aren't you eating?"

"I already ate." The Japanese answered.

"Is Seulgi unnie already awake?"

"You mean your sister? No, I think she's still sleeping."

"Yeah, my sister." Y/N sighed. It's clear that Sana is hurt about this. 

"What was that last night, Y/N? You realize that this is something serious right? You could have died." Sana couldn't sleep all night because of what happened. It's obvious that it isn't the first time that this happened to Y/N. She acted as it was totally normal and Sana can't help but worry. "You're way too calm for someone that almost died."

"I've been in these kind of situations a lot. You know I have a criminal history. This shouldn't be that surprising to you."

"It actually isn't. Be honest with  me, Y/N. Is there something else you do beside dealing and using drugs?"

"No, I already told you so. I'm definitely less involved with criminality than I did before, but still being involved with drugs matters is dangerous." Y/N explained. "And I'm trying to get out of that one, you know that."

"What about what Tzuyu said?"

"What about it?"

"You said something about giving her money and a place to stay." Sana reminded.

"You two dated but you barely even know her, do you? Did you know she got kicked out by her parents because she's gay?"

"I-I didn't know that." Tzuyu never mentioned that to her.

"Well, they did. I met her right after she got kicked out and she had nowhere to go so I took her in. She was a good girl and way too nice to my liking. She was kind of like you. At that point in my life I was involved in a lot of criminality so I started to teach her some things so she could help me. Eventually she became my right hand and we did everything together."

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