Chapter 20

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The next morning Y/N woke up with Sana by her side and they're both naked. Believe it or not this is the first time that Y/N wakes up next to someone. She hooks up with a lot of girls at her apartment, but she always makes them leave right after they had sex. She never lets them stay. She never even let Jihyo stay the morning despite having hooked up with her multiple times.

Y/N looked at the girl beside her who was basically hugging her and sighed. She shouldn't have let Sana stay but it just happened and now for the first time ever she woke up next to someone. It's not like she can stand up and leave, it's her own apartment. 

Y/N tried to stand up without waking the Japanese girl up, but unfortunately she failed and Sana opened her eyes.

"Good morning." Sana groaned. "What time is it?"

"Almost 8am." Luckily they don't have any classes today since it's Saturday.

"I had a good time last night. Thank you." Sana smiled as she caressed Y/N's cheek.

"Me too. We should get up though."

"Yeah you're right. Can I go to the bathroom first?" Sana questioned as she stood up.

"Go ahead." Y/N really hopes that Sana will leave afterwards. Yes they had a good time. A really good time and Y/N might do it again soon since Sana is very good in bed. But spending time together the next morning is definitely NOT something she asked for.

After Sana came out of the bathroom it was Y/N's turn to go. Sana is very hungry, in fact she's starving so she went to the kitchen to look for something to make as breakfast. 

When Y/N came out of the bathroom she got startled seeing Sana in her kitchen. Can't she leave already and just come back at night?

"I know you want me to leave already but I'm starving and I'm not leaving without eating some of your food." Sana knows what she got herself into. She always heard people talking about how Y/N does not let ANYONE stay over at her place. There's even rumours that she literally threw out some of the girls because they didn't want to leave.

"It's okay you can stay as long as you want to." Y/N smiled weakly. If she wants to hook up with Sana again, she shouldn't approach the girl harshly as she normally does with others. She's aware that Sana's different and one wrong word will make Sana never do this again.

"Why did you let me stay over?"

"What?" Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"I know you always make girls leave after having sex with them. Why didn't you tell me to leave?" 

"Like I said you're different. You're the first girl that I woke up with and I don't regret it." Y/N said as she walked behind Sana to watch her cook.

"Am I literally the first one or are you lying?"

"You're really the first one. I mean not the first one to hook up with of course. Just the first one to spend the morning here." Y/N informed and backhugged Sana. She's not going to lie she kind of is enjoying Sana still being here.

"You're special, Sana-ssi." Y/N said seductively and started to kiss Sana's neck from behind her back. 

"Too bad I don't believe any of your words." Sana chuckled but still tilted her neck to give Y/N some more access.

"Why's that?" Y/N distanced herself from Sana and went to sit at the table.

"Because I know you better than those other girls. You don't have to act as if I'm different or special. You hooked up with me now and afterwards you'll just ghost me. It's what you do."

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