Chapter 38

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Today is the day that Y/N and Sana will be going back to Seoul. Yesterday was a weird day. After coming back home from the park, Y/N didn't say a word and isolated herself from Sana and Mr. Minatozaki. She didn't even join them for dinner saying she doesn't feel well. Sana already knows why since Yoona explained it to her but she didn't think that Y/N would be this affected by it. 

Now they're at the airport and waiting for the plane to take off. Both Y/N and Sana are spacing out but for different reasons. Sana is sad that she probably won't see her dad for another long time. Why does it feel like she'll never see him again? The man kept saying goodbye as if it was his last and it's bothering Sana a lot. Y/N on the other hand is extremely angry but she's trying to calm herself down. Yoona showing up just brought up a lot of memories and mostly anger. 

"Honey, are you okay?" Sana held Y/N's hand after the plane took off.

"Yeah, I'm okay. How about you though? You look sad." Y/N can see the tears in her eyes and she feels like an awful girlfriend that she's not even doing anything about it because of the anger she's feeling since yesterday.

"I'm okay. I'm just going to miss him a lot."

"We'll come back during our next break or just for a weekend. I'm always ready to come back." Y/N assured.

"If only I had the money." The Japanese girl sighed.

"Didn't I already tell you that you shouldn't worry about money? I have enough to take care of both of us."

"I won't take your money again Y/N. This was a birthday gift so I accepted it but it won't happen again." 

"Fine then I'll go visit your dad without you." Y/N joked but Sana thought she was being serious and raised her eyebrows.

"I'm joking beautiful. I won't ever go to Japan without you." She kissed her girlfriend's cheek.

"Maybe you will. After all you also have a family member there." Y/N was waiting for Sana to bring this up and here it is.

"A family member that I don't care about, yes."

"Y/N... I know what happened yesterday is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really." Y/N shook her head.

"I'm your girlfriend, Y/N." Sana held Y/N's chin and turned her face so that they're looking into each other's eyes. "I will always be here for you and I will listen to all your concerns. I don't want there to be any secrets between us and I want to know why this is affecting you so much. You've been out of it since yesterday and you're not even telling me why." If they want this relationship to work handling their problems like Y/N does is not an option.

"How much did Yoona tell you?"

"Not much. She just said that she ran away and got married and that you were angry because of that."

"Well, she already told you everything. I loved her a lot and she was my favorite person in the world but then she left me for a fucking man. Not just me but also Seulgi unnie. She left both of us and now she's back and acting like nothing happened so yes I'm fucking angry." Sana did not expect for Y/N to burst out in anger like this.

"Calm down baby. We're on a plane." Sana squeezed the girl's hand. Everyone is looking at them.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to yell."

"It's okay. I'm glad you're talking about it. I can see she really hurt you. Don't you think that maybe she's really regretting the things she did? Maybe she really wants a second chance."

"She might want it but she doesn't deserve it. I will never forgive her for what she did." She should consider herself lucky that Y/N isn't seeking for revenge because if she had then Yoona wouldn't be living a happy life right now.

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