Chapter 40

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Another two weeks have passed and things have cooled down a bit. People aren't approaching Sana to bug her anymore since Y/N took care of all of them. She makes sure to protect Sana at all costs and anyone who dares to say something about them will not end their day well.

"Were you waiting for me?" Sana smiled when she saw Y/N in the parking lot. Y/N didn't come to class today so Sana wasn't expecting to see her.

"Yes I thought that maybe we could go for a ride on this baby." Y/N patted her motorcycle.

"You know I'm really starting to believe you love this thing more than you love me."

"There's not a thing that I love more than you." Y/N pulled Sana by her waist. "I love you the most."

"I love you, Kang Y/N." Sana smiled and pulled Y/N into a passionate kiss. "People are staring at us." Sana noticed when she pulled away. 

"Let them be, they're just jealous." Y/N cupped Sana's face. "So ready to go?"

"I wish you had told me earlier. I actually made plans with Momo and Mina."

"Oh really?" Y/N looked down.

"We can hang out in the evening. My parents are out of town with Daejung and Chaeyoung will probably go party somewhere so I have the place to myself."

"Alright, then I'll come to your place around 8?"

"Yes perfect." Sana smiled and kissed Y/N's cheek.

"Go ahead your friends are probably waiting for you." 

"Alright, see you tonight hun." Sana winked and left Y/N behind. 

Momo and Mina informed Sana that they are waiting for her at the nearby cafe that they always go to. While Sana was on her way someone suddenly stopped right in front of her. This has been happening a lot lately but it's the first time that the person in front of her is Jihyo.

"Can we talk?" Jihyo asked.

"I don't really have time."

"It won't take long. I just need to tell you something."

"Fine, be quick." Sana crossed her arms. She already knows what Jihyo is going to say. 

"Don't you think you owe me an apology?" Jihyo raised her eyebrows. "You literally threw away our friendship because I got involved with Y/N but now you're doing the exact same thing as I did."

"You're right. I shouldn't have done that to you." Sana does regret treating Jihyo like shit and honestly she's ashamed by this situation. "I just didn't know it was going to turn out like this. I didn't know that I would fall for her, Jihyo-yah."

"I can't blame you. After all everyone falls for her. I just thought you would be smarter than this."

"What do you mean?"

"You fell into her trap, Sana-yah. What makes you think she actually loves you?" Why does everyone keep asking her this?

"She's never been in a relationship before, I'm literally the first person that's ever gotten to be her girlfriend. Isn't that enough of a reason?"

"The only reason why it got so far with you is because you let her. She does this to everyone, Sana-ssi. Let me guess, she keeps telling you you're different. She brought you to a beautiful place on a rooftop saying that you're the first girl that she ever showed that to. She made you a painting and gave it as a gift. She doesn't really call you babe, but she does call you beautiful from time to time. Oh and let's not forget that she showed you her 'secret art room' that she apparently 'doesn't show to anyone'." Sana became silent upon hearing all of this. Y/N always said that she only showed these things to Sana but how does Jihyo know about all of this?

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