Chapter 4

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Just like every weekend someone at the university is throwing a party. This time it's the one and only Yoo Jeongyeon. It's her first time throwing a party since she's new and this is her only chance to impress her fellow students. 

"You look nervous." Y/N told her friend that was driving them to the party. "It's because of Yoo Jeongyeon. Isn't it?"

"Shut up, I'm not nervous." Nayeon denied.

"Oh yes you are. I know you and you're definitely nervous." Y/N chuckled.

"She doesn't even pay any attention to me, why would I be nervous?" Nayeon doesn't get it. Jeongyeon is a huge flirt just like Y/N but Nayeon seems to be the only one that she doesn't flirt with at all.

"That's because you're intimidating as fuck. There's a reason why no one approaches you despite you being beautiful." It's true. Nayeon is the most intimidating person Y/N has ever met, other than herself. 

"Did Kang Y/N just call me beautiful?" The older girl smirked. Y/N barely compliments her like that.

"Shut up."

"I know you like me Y/N-ie, but I'm sorry I don't do friends with benefits." Nayeon joked.

"Is that why you slept with me?" Y/N fired back.

"Shut up, that was three years ago when I barely even knew you."

"We could always just do it again." Y/N said seductively but still in a joking manner. The two only hooked up once before they became friends. Now they would never do it again. They both value their friendship and don't want to do anything that could harm it. But they do joke about it from time to time.

"How about you first focus on getting into Sana's pants, huh?"

"I'm going to try tonight. That's if she shows up." Y/N sighed. She knows it's going to be one hell of a hard task.

"I'm pretty sure she'll come. She always comes." Nayeon stated and they finally arrived at Jeongyeon's house. Jeongyeon's house is pretty big and there were already a lot of people present.

"Let's go." Y/N said and the two walked out of the car into the house.

"Y/N-ah! You're here." Jeongyeon approached them and gave her a small hug. They can tell that Jeongyeon has been drinking.

"I'm here as well you know." Nayeon added.

"Welcome." Jeongyeon just smiled weakly. "Make yourselves comfortable."

"Do you mind me lending your friend for a bit?" Jeongyeon asked Y/N referring to Nayeon, which made Nayeon raise her eyebrows. Is she talking about her?

"No, go ahead you two." Y/N smiled and pushed Nayeon towards Jeongyeon. Seems like Nayeon will be the first one to succeed tonight.

Y/N walked around for a bit but didn't see anything or anyone interesting until she found Jihyo.

"Oh Y/N, you're early." Y/N normally shows up after midnight but tonight she came a bit earlier.

"Yeah, for you." Y/N winked and pulled Jihyo closer. "I miss your lips."

"Kiss me then." Jihyo demanded in a low voice which Y/N found very sexy. Without hesitation she pulled Jihyo into a kiss. The two started making out heavily as Y/N pinned Jihyo against the wall. Their make out session kept going for a few minutes until Y/N decided that it was enough.

"I'm going to have a smoke." She informed and left Jihyo behind. She went outside and lit up a joint. She's going to have to be a little high to survive this party.

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