Chapter 9

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Y/N decided to skip all her classes today since she didn't feel like going at all. But Jihyo called her and asked her if she could come pick her up and Y/N agreed. So after Jihyo's last class Y/N went to the campus to pick the girl up.

While she was waiting in the parking lot she saw Sana in the distance walking into the bathroom. So Y/N went there as well. It annoys her that Sana is still ignoring her. She'd rather have her push her away and curse her out instead of ingoring her like this.

Y/N waited in front of the bathroom and waited for Sana to finish. When Sana came out, she sighed internally. When is Y/N going to give up? Does she not get that Sana doesn't want her?

"Is now a good time to talk?" Y/N asked.

"No." Sana answered without even looking at her and was about to leave but Y/N grabbed her arm making her stop.

"We need to talk. Stop running away from me, it's driving me crazy."

"I have nothing to say to you." Sana jerked her arm away and started to walk.

"I know you remember what happened at the party." Y/N stated and that made the Japanese girl stop walking. She turned around and approached Y/N angrily.

"It was a mistake. It never should have happened so just forget about it."

"I can't. For your information YOU kissed me." Y/N emphasized. "So don't you owe me an explenation for your actions?"

"I was drunk, Y/N. It was a mistake. I didn't even know who I was kissing at that moment. It just happened. It was a drunken mistake so stop thinking more of it."

"It was not just a drunken mistake, Sana-ssi. You were literally sulking because I refused to take it further. Which you should thank me for by the way, that I didn't take any advantage of you." Y/N stated.

"So what now? What do you even want me to say?"

"I want you to stop lying and just admit that you want my body."

"I don't want you, can't you understand?" Sana is really losing patience right now.

"Why not? Tell me because I don't understand."

"You'r really being serious right now? You can't understand why someone wouldn't want you? Well first of all you're a fucking asshole." Sana went closer to Y/N so that she can understand her words.

"You have a bad heart, Y/N. You play with people's feelings just so that you can get satisfaction out of it. You're selfish and only care about yourself. You would do anything to just please your hormones. On top of that you're literally a criminal. You have a criminal record, you do drugs and sell it to kids as well. You have an awful personality. You're a fucking sociopath if you would ask me. You have no emotions, no empathy and that's why you do what you do. You don't care about the other person's feelings or thoughts, you only care about what you want. You don't care about what I want and that's the main problem here."

"Then what do you want?" Y/N asked, completely unaffacted by Sana's harsh words.

"I want you to fucking leave me alone and stop talking to me."

"So everything you just summed up right now are the reasons why you don't want me?" Y/N asked to which Sana nodded.

"You're lying both to yourself and to me right now. You know very well that those things aren't the reason. I know for a fact that you are attracted to me. According to some people you are attracted to the bad girl type and surprisingly I fit exactly into that category. I am everything that you want. But you're scared. You're scared that if you hook up with me, you'll end up falling for me. You don't want to fall for me and that's exactly why you're pushing me away. Not because I have a criminal record or a bad heart. You're scared of your feelings towards me because you know I wouldn't be able to return them." Y/N is pretty sure that this is why Sana is acting like this. It never made sense to Y/N why Sana kept pushing her away but now it does. Sana is scared to fall for Y/N.

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