Chapter 21

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"Unnie? What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung asked when she saw Y/N in front of her door.

"I'm here for your sister." 

"Why?" Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows. She hates how close they are getting.

"I'm going to give her a ride."

"Can you just stop playing with her? For my sake please. There are a thousand girls that would fall for you, why are you so persistent on my sister?"

"I'm not playing games with her Chaeyoung-ah. Believe it or not, I'm serious with her." Y/N crossed her arms.

"You can't be serious with someone even if you wanted to." 

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Sana showed up as well.

"I'm here to give you a ride."

"By car?" Sana noticed how Y/N is with a car instead of her bike.

"Yes, you keep complaining about my bike so I bought this one yesterday." Y/N patted the expensive car.

"Did you really just buy a car because she hates to get on your bike?" Chaeyoung questioned. Y/N doesn't even like to drive a car. She'd much rather go by bike.


"How rich are you to just go and buy an expensive car like this?" Sana is very confused. Where does Y/N even get the money from? Are her parents really that rich?

"I can give both of you a ride. So please just enter the car and we can go. You don't want to be late right?" Y/N asked the two sisters.

"We should just walk to school." Chaeyoung suggested.

"Let's just go with Y/N, Chaeyoung-ah." Sana said and was about to enter the passenger's seat but Chaeyoung got in first before her older sister could, so Sana had no choice but to sit in the back.

"I'll drop you off first, then I'll drop off Chaeyoung." Y/N informed.

"Why? Aren't you coming to school with me?" The Japanese girl wondered.

"I don't feel like going today." Y/N answered. 


"Alright, we're here." Y/N said once they arrived at the university.

"Are you sure you're not coming?" Sana asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Maybe I'll see you later today?" 

"Maybe." Sana said with a weak smile and opened the cardoor. "Bye Chaeyoung-ah, bye Y/N."

"Bye, unnie." Chaeyoung sighed. With that Sana left the car and Y/N made her way back to the road.

"You seem annoyed." Y/N noticed.

"It's because I am."

"Look I'm not planning to treat your sister like I treat other girls. You should stop worrying about it. By the way your sister is smart, she won't let me treat her like that in the first place." If Y/N had treated Sana the same way as she treated the other girls, Sana wouldn't be talking to her right now.

"She may be smart but she's too good hearted, something you're definitely not." Chaeyoung stated.

"You're acting as if I'm a psychopath." Y/N chuckled.

"Because you are. All of us are." Chaeyoung said weakly referring to their group of friends.

"That's pretty much an exaggeration." 

"Is it really? You really went to buy a whole ass car just because Sana doesn't like to get on your bike."

"I already wanted to get one, she just motivated me to actually buy one." Y/N defended.

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