Chapter 54

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"Why are you still awake?" Sana asked when she saw Y/N in the kitchen at 4 in the morning.

"I can ask you the same question."

"I can't sleep."

"Me neither." Y/N sighed. "I'm hungry, so I was trying to find something to eat."

"I think the girls ate everything we had."

"Then I'm gonna go out for some food. Wanna join?" Y/N questioned.

"It's 4 in the morning. Where are you going to find food?"

"The pizza place nearby is open 24/7. And I'm way too hungry to wait till the sun goes up."

"You go, I'll stay here." Sana informed.

"C'mon, I know you're hungry too otherwise you wouldn't have come to the kitchen." Sana sighed in defeat because it is true. Sana is really hungry, but she's scared of going out with Y/N all by herself.

"Well, will you pay?"

"Sure, it's my treat." Y/N threw her a charming smile which Sana used to love so damn much.

"Okay, but let's get back fast." Sana demanded and the two left the house. After walking in silence for about 5 minutes they arrived and strangely there were about 10 people eating inside.

"People really eat pizza at this hour?" Sana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised how crowded it gets here around 3 am."

"Don't tell me you're one of those people that comes here in the middle of the night?"

"I do, sorry to disappoint you." Y/N chuckled. "I just get hungry at night sometimes and if I didn't do any groceries than this is my only choice."

"I'm not even surprised." Sana shook her head.

"You take a seat while I go order." Y/N gestured to a nearby table.

"You didn't ask what I want."

"A small bbq chicken right?"

"Y-yeah." Sana stuttered.  Seems like Y/N still remembers her favorite kind of pizza. Y/N went to order and soon sat down in front of Sana.

"So... why weren't you happy to hear that Chaeyoung and Mina got engaged?" No one really noticed that Sana isn't happy about it but Y/N knows Sana way too well to not notice.

"Why do you think I'm not happy about it? I am."

"I'm 100% sure you're not, just tell me. It'll stay between us. Is it because you wanted to get married first?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me. I'm just worried. They only started dating recently and Chaeyoung is still not stable when it comes to being sober. I just think they're moving too fast." The Japanese woman explained.

"Here's your pizza." The waiter came and put a large pizza on the table which made Sana confused.

"I ordered a large one so we can share."

"But you don't like this kind."

"I do now." Y/N simply answered and took a bite. "I knew you were bothered by something but don't worry. I think they fit each other well and they'll help each other to get through it."

"I hope so." Sana sighed and also took a slice.

"As long as they don't get married within a few months then it's fine. Speaking of marriage, when's your wedding?" Y/N decided to ask something which she probably shouldn't have asked. She can see that Sana is uncomfortable around her.

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