Chapter 25

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One month later

After class Y/N went to the cafeteria and sat down at one of the tables waiting for Nayeon to come. While waiting a girl suddenly sat down next to her, which annoyed her a bit. Everyone here knows that they can't just approach Y/N when they want to. So who is she to suddenly sit like that next to her?

"Missed me?" The girl suddenly asked but Y/N replied no without even looking at her.

"I'm sure you'd change your mind if you look at my face." The girl stated and Y/N sighed as she turned her head to see the girl.

"Kim Minju?" Y/N mumbled. She usually doesn't remember girls their names but she does remember Minju. Maybe because she actually had bounded a bit with the girl before hooking up with her. They had a full on conversation in the bar that one night and Y/N found herself talking to her as if she had known Minju for years.

"I knew you would remember me." She smiled at Y/N.

"Why are you here? Don't tell me you're a student?" Y/N questioned. 

"I am but not in this department. I'm a business student, I study across from this campus."

"And you're here because?"

"I have friends here so I come to visit them from time to time. I didn't know that the one and only Kang Y/N was a student here as well."

"It's a coincidence isn't it?" Y/N chuckled. At this point all the students around them are looking at them. The most popular business student is talking to one of the most popular medicine student. It sure is unexpected especially since Minju has a very good reputation while Y/N doesn't.

"We were meant to meet again." 

"It seems like you're popular. Everyone is staring at us." The bad girl noticed.

"I am quite popular you could say. But so are you. I've heard your name a lot on our campus before."

"So you knew who I was when you approached me at that bar that night?"

"Yeah, I knew." Minju admitted and the two continued to talk.

Sana walked into the cafeteria with Mina and Momo by her side. She looked at Y/N's direction and suddenly saw a girl talking to her.

"Isn't that Kim Minju?" Momo questioned. Of course Sana knows who Minju is. The girl is very popular, mostly because of her stunning visuals.

"Yeah, why is she here and why is she talking to your girl?" Mina asked.

"She's not my girl." Sana defended.

"Oh c'mon you two have been very close for the past month." Ever since Sana agreed to give Y/N a chance, the two have been spending a lot of time together. And it is very unexpected but Y/N is actually proving herself. Sana hasn't seen her making out or even talking to another girl except for Nayeon. She treats Sana well and takes care of her like a girlfriend would. 

That is until today. The sight of Y/N laughing and talking to Minju is making her blood boil. It's obvious that they're flirting with each other and it's annoying Sana a lot. Without even knowing Sana found herself going to their table.

"Sana?" Y/N looked up in surprise. She never approaches Y/N at school. She doesn't even look at her.

"You two are friends?" Minju questioned. It looks like Sana is glaring at her and Minju can already guess why. Rumor goes around that Y/N has been trying a lot to court Sana, but the Japanese girl keeps rejecting her.

"Yes." "No." Sana and Y/N answered at the same time. Why does this happen so often? They're for sure opposites.

"We are? Since when?" Y/N asked. Sana was the one telling her to act like strangers at school, but here she is telling Minju that they're "friends".

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