Chapter 8

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The next monday Y/N got on her motorcycle and went to one of her classes. Lately she's been attending most of her classes, which isn't like Y/N at all. She used to skip almost all of her classes. She only showed up at the campus to either find someone to hook up with or just to show off. After all she's someone that adores attention.

The reason why she's showing up a lot lately is purely because of Sana. The girl is playing hard to get and if Y/N wants to succeed fast she needs to spend some time with Sana. The only way she can do that is by going to her classes.

Nayeon is skipping today so she's basically all alone for today's classes. She walked into the auditorium and saw Momo and Mina sitting in the front, but Sana was nowhere to be seen. That's weird. Normally Sana is always with her two best friends. Maybe she's late?

Y/N guessed wrongly because Sana just didn't show up the whole day. It kind of worries Y/N because Sana is the type of person to show up even when she's sick.

After class she went to the parking lot and saw Momo and Mina talking so she decided to ask them about Sana's whereabouts.

"Hi girls." Y/N sat down next to them and the two glared at her.

"Hello." Mina answered.

"I only have one question and then I'll leave. Where's Sana?"

"We don't know." Momo lied.

"I know you know so just tell me. Why didn't she come to class today?"

"She said she isn't feeling well so she stayed at home." Mina explained. She knows Y/N won't leave without getting an answer so it's better to just tell her.

"Hmm, that's weird. Anyways, thanks beautiful." Y/N winked at Mina making her blush by the sudden compliment.

"Thanks to you too Momo-ssi even though you barely helped." Y/N smiled and left the scene.

"Are you really blushing?" Momo asked her friend.

"No." Mina denied.

"You better not ho..."

"I won't, Momo." Mina interrupted, already knowing what Momo was going to say.


The next day Sana did show up at the campus but she was completely ignoring Y/N. She didn't even say a word to Y/N. Yes, everyone knows that Sana doesn't like Y/N but normally she would at least tell her to fuck off but now she's not saying anything.

Is it possible that Sana remembered what happened at the party between them? Maybe that's the reason why Sana is ignoring her. Of course Y/N will find out.

Y/N decided to be patient and wait a few days but three days later, Sana is still ignoring her and it's starting to drive Y/N crazy. So she came up with a plan. She's going to pick up Chaeyoung from her house and when Sana sees her there, she's definitely going to say something.

So that's what Y/N did. She called Chaeyoung and asked her if she wants to hang out and luckily Chaeyoung said yes. Y/N made her way to the younger girl's house and was waiting for Chaeyoung to come down.

Sana saw Y/N in front of her house. She was on her way home and the last person she wants to see right now is Y/N. She could wait for Y/N to leave and go home then but she badly wants to go home so she decided to just go.

As expected Y/N saw Sana coming in the distance. She kind of knows now when Sana comes home and when she leaves. No, she's not a stalker she just knows because they live close by.

"You're not going to tell me to leave?" Y/N asked when Sana just passed her by without saying anything. Sana looked her deadly in the eye and entered her house. Seems like Sana is going to keep ignoring her.

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