Chapter 41

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"Sana?" Mina asked the girl next to her in class. Sana's been down for days now and she's not focusing on class at all.

"Hmm?" Sana didn't even look up.

"Y/N is here."

"W-what?" This made Sana look up and there she saw Y/N entering the lecture room. Sana hasn't spoken to Y/N for a week now. The latter is ignoring all her texts and calls. Sana went to her place a couple of times as well but Y/N never seemed to be home. As always Y/N didn't show up to class either. In conclusion Sana couldn't reach her girlfriend at all. But today finally Y/N showed up and Sana hopes that she can talk to her.

"You should talk to her after class. You can't keep sulking like this." Sana told Momo and Mina about what happened between them. To say that they were shocked is quite an understatement. They always expected for Y/N to fuck things up, not Sana. As much as they hate Y/N, they actually feel a bit bad for her since it seems like she's genuinely hurt.

"She won't even listen to me."

"What other choice do you have? Do you want to lose her?" Mina raised her eyebrows.

"No, absolutely not."

"Then do something about it." And just as Mina suggested as soon as the lecture ended Sana followed Y/N out of the room.

"Y/N, can we talk?" Sana stood in front of the girl. Y/N just looked her deadly in the eye and walked away.

"Y/N, please?" Sana grabbed the girl's arm.

"We have nothing to talk about." Y/N said harshly and pulled her arm away. However Sana is not the type to give up. She won't take no for an answer.

"I won't leave until we talk." Sana stood teary eyed in front of the girl once again. At this point they're starting to attract attention. No way Y/N can let someone find out that she got cheated on so she sighed and pulled Sana in one of the empty classrooms. She locked the door and faced the girl.

"Don't approach me anymore. Especially not at school, I don't want people finding out about what happened."

"If you ignore me like this they eventually will." Sana was right about that. If they smell something fishy they will dig into it and soon Dahyun or Junho will speak up about the matter.

"Okey then I just won't come to school anymore." Y/N stated and was about to leave but Sana grabbed her arm once again.

"Please listen to me, Y/N. I'm very sorry, you don't know how much I regret doing that to you. I was stupid and selfish and I didn't take your feelings into consideration."

"Because you believe the rumors right?" Y/N raised her eyebrows. "You believe, just like everyone else, that I can't love someone. That's why you didn't take my feelings into consideration. You just never thought they were there, you never believed me when I told you I loved you. You always doubted me and didn't trust me. That's why you cheated on me, Sana."

Sana just looked down hearing that because it's true. It's the exact reason why she did it. She didn't trust Y/N and a part of her always thought that Y/N was just playing with her.

"I shouldn't have doubted you, I know. But can you even blame me after what you did to all those girls? I've witnessed Jihyo crying over you, I saw how you ended her with one simple rumor and the same goes to all the other girls that you got involved with. Can you blame me for not trusting you when you have created such a fuckedup reputation for yourself?" Sana is honestly getting a bit annoyed. I mean is there even a person on earth that trusts Y/N? Is she really that wrong for not believing Y/N when she has misled that many girls?

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