Chapter 6

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The next day Sana and her friends were waiting for their class to start in the lecture room. A minute before class started, Y/N walked in and all eyes were on her. It's always like that, but this time it's different. There's a change in Y/N's outfit which made everyone avert their gaze to her.

Instead of a plain black shirt with a leather jacket, she's now wearing a black collared shirt, making her muscles fully visible. She looked around the lecture room but couldn't see Nayeon anywhere. All the seats in the back were occupied so she had no choice but to sit somewhere in front.

Sana couldn't keep her eyes off of Y/N during the entire lecture. Just by a change of shirt, Y/N became very attractive to her. Also the way she's concentrating on what the professor is saying, is very hot. She never in a million years would get a tattoo, but Y/N's tattoos look so freakin good on her. Sana never wondered why Y/N has only tattoos on her left arm and nowhere else but now she's starting to wonder.

"She might melt if you keep staring." Mina whispered to her friend.

"I'm not staring." Sana denied.

Y/N knows that many people are looking at her right now. She knows that it's the shirt. She wanted to do a bit of a change in her outfit, I mean it's always the same. Don't get her wrong, she changes her clothes everyday but they all just look very alike that people don't even notice that they're different clothes.

Y/N turned around for a bit to look around and many people immediately averted their gaze to somewhere else. She noticed how Sana and her friends were closely behind her. She could feel Sana's gaze on her for the entire lecture but she didn't look at Sana directly  because she knows if she does, Sana will stop looking at her and she doesn't want that to happen.

"Class is done. You can all leave." The professor said and all students stood up. When Y/N stood up some of the students approached her to have small talk or even flirt with her. She looked at Sana in the distance and she was basically still staring at Y/N so Y/N winked at her.

The moment Sana got caught she blushed and left the room with her friends. She knows what's about to come right now. Y/N is going to tease her forever about this.

When people finally left Y/N alone, she decided to go look for Nayeon and luckily she found her smoking in the parking lot.

"Unnie, where have you been? Why weren't you in class?" Y/N asked sitting next to her.

"Didn't feel like it."

"Why did you leave last night?" Nayeon always stays over when they're having a party but last night she went home. It isn't usual for Nayeon.

"Something happened with Jeongyeon?" Y/N also pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

"If you want to hook up with her, you can."

"What? Where does that come from?" Y/N is very confused right now. Didn't Nayeon tell her that she would kill her if she hooks up with Jeongyeon?

"She doesn't like me and never will. So I don't want to try."

"Why? You're not the type to give up. Did she say something to you? Did she hurt you? I swear if she did, I'll make her pay." Y/N got ready to fight.

"She didn't hurt me. She asked advice on how to approach the girl she likes, which isn't me."

"Who cares? You're Im Nayeon, you can easily make her forget about that other stupid girl. I'm pretty sure that you're way more beautiful than her so just fight for it, unnie. You can make her fall for you. You always get what you want and Yoo Jeongyeon is no exception." Y/N stated. Nayeon wouldn't have been sad if the girl that Jeongyeon likes wasn't Y/N. She could go against anyone and win but not against Y/N. Y/N is a too strong of an opponent and Jeongyeon obviously likes Y/N a lot. Besides the last thing she wants is to ruin her friendship with Y/N.

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