Chapter 52

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"Where have you been?" Noze asked when Y/N walked into her apartment.

"I went to buy a new bike. My old one just wouldn't start working." Y/N sighed.

"Well, you're just on time for dinner." The gangster smiled lovingly.

"You don't have to keep preparing dinner all the time. I can do it too you know." Y/N stated. Nayeon is spending all her available time with Jeongyeon and she's barely even home so Y/N and Noze are mostly alone. Noze makes sure to make dinner every single day and Y/N loves it.

"I like it so I want to do it."

"Fine, but I'm a good cook too so let me cook sometimes as well."

"Will do, Y/N-ie." Noze smiled and pecked Y/N's lips. She was about to turn around but Y/N pulled her closer and crashed their lips together. Y/N kissed her passionately and Noze doesn't know what suddenly got into her but she's not complaining. Y/N guided Noze to the couch and pushed her lightly onto it before going on top of her. She continued to kiss her roughly enjoying every second of it until her phone rang.

"Why the fuck does this always happen?" Y/N asked in frustration.

"Pick it up so we can continue." Noze hit the girl's arm and Y/N did as she was told.

"Hi, am I speaking to Kang Seulgi's sister?"

"Yes?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. Who is calling her?

"Your sister is at the hospital. I suggest you come by quickly." The man told her.

"Hospital? What happened to her?"

"She's not doing well. You need to come fast."

"I'm on my way." Y/N answered and hung up. She immediately took her jacket and the keys to her new bike.

"What's wrong?" Noze questioned.

"Seulgi unnie is at the hospital, I need to go."

"I'm coming with you." Noze informed and followed Y/N outside. The two got to the hospital in about 10 minutes and immediately went to Seulgi's room. Luckily Seulgi was awake but she was lying on the bed with lots of machines and wires next to her.

"Unnie? Are you okay?" Y/N approached her. Seulgi just nodded since she can barely speak at the moment. "What happened? Where's the doctor?"

"I'll call the doctor." Noze said and opened the door to call for a doctor. Not long after the doctor entered and both Y/N and Noze stood there frozen.

"S-sana?" Y/N raised her eyebrows. Sana just sighed internally. She knew Y/N was going to show up here since she was the one that suggested her colleagues to call her. Seulgi's condition is serious so she had to call the closest person to her. This doesn't mean that she wants to see Y/N, contrary she doesn't want to see her at all but she has to be professional. Seulgi is her patient and she has to do everything she can to help her.

"Are you her relatives?" Sana asked as if she doesn't know the person in front of her. She barely even looked at Y/N's face but she could see that Y/N's appearance had changed. Her hair is a bit longer now, her eyebrow piercing has disappeared and she has even more tattoos than she had before. Probably got some in prison.

"You know the answer to that question." Y/N chuckled at Sana's so called 'professionalism'. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm her doctor."

"Ow well w-what happened?" Y/N asked her.

"Your sister has a heart disease and therefore had a mini heart attack today. We already told her to take it slow and take the needed medications but apparently she hasn't been doing that." Sana told both Y/N and Noze. This is the first time that she sees Noze and honestly she has a bad feeling about her. The first thing she noticed is how extremely attractive the girl is and she and Y/N seem to be close.

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