Chapter 39

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A week has passed since Y/N and Sana decided to go public and things aren't going that well for Sana. Her reputation shifted from the university's sweetheart to the university's stupid girl that fell for for the university's coldhearted criminal. She's having a hard time due do this because people keep judging her and girls that Y/N was involved with before keep bugging her. The exact same thing that happened to her ex-best friend Jihyo is now happening to her.

"Aren't you two tired of pretending to be a couple?" Junho asked the two girls that were walking hand in hand. He's one of the popular guys at the campus and girls love him because he's very charming.

"No, because we're not pretending." Y/N answered harshly. Luckily for Sana, Y/N keeps protecting her and she never leaves her side. Even when people keep telling them that Y/N is not serious about her, Y/N will deny and tell them otherwise. If Y/N keeps doing this, they might slowly start to believe that they're actually in love.

"Oh c'mon, we all know this is fake. Just stop giving the poor girl a hard time." Minju laughed.

"Why are you even here on our campus? Aren't you a business student? You don't belong here." Sana said in annoyance.

"This campus is way more fun. Where else will I see a weird looking couple like this?"

"Weird looking? You mean good looking. Stop being so jealous, Minju-yah. We all know that you're in love with me but you should get over it. I'm in love with this girl right here." Y/N looked lovingly at her girlfriend and this made Minju shut up.

"Let's go, beautiful." Y/N walked away pulling her girlfriend with her. "How long is this going to last? My anger can't take it anymore."

"This is just the beginning, Y/N. It lasted months with your previous little girlfriends and since we're actually dating it might even last longer."

"Well, I can't take all this staring and badmouthing. I'm going to end up killing someone." Y/N has been trying her best not to burst out but people are really testing her. They can say whatever they want about her, it doesn't make her mad in the slightest bit. But it's a different case when it comes to Sana. She can't stand hearing people talk shit about her.

"Be patient, hun. We'll get through this right? Without you getting in a fight." 

"I can't promise that." Y/N sighed. "Stay right here, I'm going to the bathroom real quick." 

"Okay." Sana smiled and Y/N left to the bathroom. Of course people saw this as a chance to corner Sana and that's what they did. The moment Sana turned around she was met with Junho, Minju and another boy that she forgot the name of.

"I always thought you were a smart girl, but dating Y/N really?" Junho asked. They've been wanting to corner her for a week now but they couldn't since Y/N was beside her all the freaking time and they do not want to mess with Y/N since everyone knows she's dangerous.

"That's none of your business."

"Oh c'mon, did you really forget the fun times we had, Sana? You were screaming my name not so long ago. What the hell happened?" He approached her.

"Seems like Y/N made her scream harder." Minju chuckled.

"We need to teach you a lesson for betraying us. I hate Y/N and you used to hate her as well, but now you're stabbing me in the back like that huh?" He's now standing very closely to Sana.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Sana yelled and pushed him away. Junho chuckled and gave his friend a sign. Junho's friend suddenly grabbed Sana's both arms and Junho started to caress her cheeks. At this point there are a few people in the hallways but they're ignoring what is happening. This is what happens to most girls who hook up with Y/N. 

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