Chapter 27

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Two days have passed and Sana still can't remember what happened to her the night she was drunk. Y/N did text her last night telling her to take care of herself, which Sana found adorable. Y/N never texts her unless they're planning to meet, so it was a very unexpected text.

However Sana cannot take this anymore. The last time the two talked while sober, they had a huge argument and they haven't talked very since. So Sana made up her mind and walked towards Y/N's apartment in the hope that the girl is home.

She rang Y/N's doorbell and to her surprise Seulgi was the one to open the door.

"Oh, Sana-ssi. Looking for Y/N?"

"Yeah, is she home?"

"Yes, come in. Y/N-ah! You have a guest!" The girl yelled startling Sana.

"I'm coming!" Y/N yelled from another room. "Oh Sana? What brings you here?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure." Y/N answered and glanced at Seulgi sending her a silent sign to leave them alone.

"I'll be in the kitchen. I'm hungry anyways." Seulgi said awkwardly and left the two girls behind.

"How are you feeling? You didn't look good after that night." 

"I'm okay now. Can you tell me what happened?" Sana asked as she sat down.

"So you don't remember anything?"

"No, the last thing I remember is just drinking by myself at the bar. After that it's just blank."

"Nothing really happened." Y/N sat down next to her. "I picked you up, we went to eat some teokkbokki because you kept asking for it and then I brought you home."

"Did I say some...thing?" Sana looked up with scared eyes. She really hopes she didn't say something bad.

"Not really, you were too drunk to talk." Y/N chuckled. "You did say that I was beautiful and pretty. And that You like my bad ass attitude." Y/N decided to withhold all the rest.

"No way I said that, you're lying." Sana denied as she shook her head.

"I'm not, you actually said that!" Y/N laughed.

"Well, I was lying then."

"People tend to tell the truth when they're drunk though." Y/N locked eyes with the Japanese girl.

"Did we... You know do anything?" 

"No, I wouldn't take advantage of you like that. Don't get me wrong, I like doing things with you but what's the point if one of us won't remember." The bad girl sighed to which Sana nodded. Guys have tried to take advantage of Sana before when she wasn't even drunk. Good to know that Y/N won't do something like that. 

"I think we need to talk about our argument the other day." 

"You have something to add onto that? I thought you were very clear about your thoughts on me." Y/N reminded her. However the things she said that day and the things she said when she was drunk don't really match.

"I'm sorry for what I said. You were right, I'm just like you. I didn't have the right to hold something against you that I do myself as well."

"Why do you care about it so much?" Y/N asked the question she always wanted to ask. Sana acts as if she doesn't like Y/N, but you wouldn't care this much if you don't like a person. 

"You already know that I like you. I don't have to say it again. I act like this out of jealousy and I'm pretty sure you know that." Sana admitted.

Seulgi was listening to their entire conversation in the kitchen. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but what other choice does she have when her little sister won't tell her anything? The two girls continued to talk and Seulgi decided that it was time for her to go. It won't take long until they start making out and Seulgi does NOT want to be here when that happens, so she left.

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