Chapter 59

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Four months have passed since the day that Sana ran away from the altar. Y/N and Sana are now living in a small city two hours away from Seoul. Y/N bought a nice apartment in the center of the city with a nice view. She also found a job for Sana at the hospital so Sana is currently working as a doctor in a hospital nearby their city. Y/N didn't want to find a job for herself. She still has a lot of money from all the criminal activities that she did before and she was actually planning on continuing to sell drugs. However Sana did not allow that. She did not want Y/N to go back to her old ways and she made Y/N promise to find a decent job and to stop doing anything that's illegal.

Luckily Y/N listened and now she's working at a bank. Yes, she studied medicine for three years but truth be told she never liked anything that was related to that. She always had more interest in finance and business and when she got an offer at the bank she accepted it.

The two are living happily right now. They both have good jobs and they get along very well. However it did take some time for things to finally start being normal. Sana's mother and Mingyu kept looking for her after she ran away so she had no choice but to face them and explain everything to them. So two weeks after the so called wedding Y/N and Sana went to Seoul. Sana explained her true feelings to Mingyu and even though his heart really got broken and his dreams got crushed, he still couldn't be mad at Sana. Even after what Sana did, he still loves her and that's why he decided to let her go. So you can say their conversation went well. 

His family was of course not happy and they badly wanted Sana to pay for what she did but luckily Mingyu managed to calm them down and he actually took some of the blame. He told them that he was the one that cheated first which is not true at all. He never would cheat on his loved one but saying that was the only way for his family to leave Y/N and Sana alone.

Their friends, such as Momo, Mina, Jeongyeon, Nayeon and their sisters were of course not very fond of it at first either but they eventually accepted that the two would end up together no matter what. Now they even come to visit them from time to time.

There was only one person that made it very difficult for Sana and Y/N and that is Sana's mother. Y/N and Sana went to Sana's parents together and let's just say that it got really out of hand. Sana's step dad honestly couldn't care less so he didn't really say anything. Her mother on the other hand was fuming in anger and in the end she told her that she never wants to see Sana again. She told her that she doesn't have a child like Sana anymore and that really hurt Sana.

Her mom really disowned her for loving someone that she thinks isn't right. How was it that easy to disown her like that? At that point she really wished that her dad was still alive. He would have supported Sana no matter what. Luckily Y/N, Chaeyoung and her brother eased her pain a bit.

"Babe, I'm home!" Sana yelled when she got into their apartment.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

"What are you cooking?" Sana asked back hugging her girlfriend.

"Your favorite." Y/N smiled and pulled Sana into a passionate kiss. 

"What did I deserve for you to be this sweet today?" The Japanese girl questioned.

"As if I don't cook for you every day." Y/N chuckled.

"Yeah you do and I told you to stop doing that. I can cook too you know."

"But I'm always out of work earlier than you, it only makes sense for me to cook." 

"Well you don't have to cook for me tomorrow. My colleagues will be going to dinner after work and they asked me to join." Sana informed.

"Oh they did?" Y/N's tone changed. 

"Yeah, I feel like I'm finally not the newbie anymore." Sana did have a hard time adjusting at first but it's fine now. She made some friends at work and she gets along with the other doctors well.

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