Chapter 28

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"Y/N-ah, we found him." Taehyung informed Y/N on their phone call.

"Take him to our spot and wait for me to arrive." Y/N demanded to which the guy agreed.

Y/N got in her car and went to the place that they were set to meet. When she entered she saw Taehyung, Jungkook and Irene around a guy who's sitting on a chair with tape on his mouth and his hands tied with rope around the chair.

"Look who we have here." Y/N laughed and the guy mumbled some things that no one could understand through the tape.

"He was a hard one to find. He kept escaping." Jungkook recalled.

"Haven't you ever heard that you shouldn't escape from Kang Y/N? No matter how far you go, I will always find you."

"Just cut the talking and punish him already. I wanna leave." Irene is losing patience. She helped all day to look for this guy.

"You're right, I should just punish him and let him go right?" Y/N smiled and took off the tape from the guy's mouth in a harsh way making the guy hiss in pain.

"Let me go!" He yelled.

"I can't do that. You took something from me and I need it back."

"I didn't take anything from you!"

"You stole some of our drugs. We know it was you, you either give it back or you die simple as that." Y/N informed as she checked her nails.

"You heard her. We need it back." Taehyung repeated.

"I, I don't have it anymore." The guy looked down.

"What did you do with it?" Y/N held his collar.

"I-I have a lot of debt so I used it to pay it back." He informed and Y/N slapped him in the face. Hard.

"You know I would have let you go if you just gave it back but since you don't have it anymore, you're only leaving me one choice." Y/N took out a knife from her pocket.

"P-please, don't kill me." The guy cried. "I have a family to feed! I have a one year old daughter to take care of, please don't kill me."

"You should thought of that before stealing what's mine."

"Please, please, don't kill me. I'll pay you back."

"Of course you'll pay me back. Since you have a daughter, I'll spare you and not kill you. After all I need the money back. So here's what's going to happen. You have one month to pay me back. I want the exact value of the drugs you stole. If you fail to do that, I'll kill you." Y/N whispered the last sentence and traced the knife on his cheek.

"I will pay you back, I promise just let me go." The man pleaded.

"Not so fast. You gotta learn a lesson first." Irene crossed her arms.

"She's right. I can't let you go like this. How about we take something from him as well? Something precious to him."

"N-n-no, please don't, please."

"Grab his hand for me." Y/N asked her friends and they did as they were told.

"Let's see if you're going to be able to steal in the future if you lose some of your fingers."

"Please, I'm begging you." The guy kept crying.

"Aish, stop crying and take responsibility for what you did." Taehyung kicked his leg.

"Bye bye fingers." Y/N laughed like a psychopath and cut the man's pinky making him scream in pain. She cut his ring finger as well but stopped when she reached the middle finger.

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