Chapter 10

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When Y/N was done eating, she decided that it was time to go. This little dinner with the Son family was not was she expected. It felt more like an interrogation than a dinner, which Y/N doesn't like at all. She was very close to cursing them out, but she held back for Chaeyoung's sake and she doesn't want Sana to be right about her so she just shut the fuck up.

"I should go now. Thank you for having me." Y/N stood up.

"Come back anytime you want, Y/N-ah. We'll be glad to have you back." Mrs. Son smiled.

"I'll show her out." Chaeyoung informed.

"No, I'll do it." Sana interrupted which made both Y/N and Chaeyoung raise their eyebrows.

"But..." Chaeyoung tried to protest.

"I said I'll show her out."

"Fine. See you tomorrow unnie." Chaeyoung smiled to which Y/N nodded.

"Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Son, goodbye to you too Daejung-ah."

"Bye!" The guy yelled from across the room not caring at all. 

Y/N started to walk towards the door and Sana followed her outside. When they got outside, Sana closed the door behind her and approached Y/N.

"What's with you, suddenly wanting to show me out?" Y/N chuckled.

"Why did you come here?"

"Your mom and Chaeyoung asked me to, so I came." 

"You really didn't understand anything of what I said to you today, did you?" Sana furrowed her eyebrows. Why would Y/N come here after everything Sana said to her?

"I did. I get it you hate me and I'll leave you alone from now on just like how you want me to."

"Seriously?" Sana asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm sick of running after you Sana-ssi. But one thing is for sure and that's that you'll come back crawling to me. You can't last long without me so eventually you'll come to me yourself." Y/N smirked to which Sana sighed. Does Y/N really think that she'll come to her herself?

"You're so narssisistic. I can't even deal with you right now. Get it out of your head, Y/N. There's no way I'll come to you."

"We'll see about that. Anyways, I should go now. It was nice to see you again." Y/N smiled and walked away. Since she lives closeby she didn't bother to take her bike.


The next 10 days Y/N did as she said. She's leaving Sana alone just as she requested. She walks past her without saying a word, she doesn't glance or smile at her. She's basically completely ignoring Sana's presence.

Even when she caught Sana staring at her, Y/N just looked away which isn't like her at all. Sana is quite relieved by all of this. Finally she's having some peace on campus and can walk around without being worried that Y/N will approach her.

However something in her is not liking this. She's so used to Y/N bothering her, that it now kind of feels empty without it. Now that Y/N isn't flirting with Sana, she's flirting with all the other girls, and that's bothering Sana for who knows wathever reason.

"Did she just pass us without saying anything?" Mina asked her two friends when Y/N walked by.

"Yeah, I told her to leave me alone and that's what she's doing." Sana explained.

"You've been telling her that since last year. What made her change her mind?" Momo questioned.

"She thinks I'll go crawling back to her. Which I don't even get. It's not like she ever had me."

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