Chapter 46

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The next morning Sana woke up early. She made sure that Tzuyu was okay and Seulgi and Nayeon brought the girl home. When Sana walked into Y/N's bedroom, the girl was groaning. Y/N is obviously in a lot of pain from the fight that she got in yesterday. Her face is entirely bruised and her lip is burst. Y/N has never looked this bad in her life even though she's gotten in lots of fights before.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Sana asked in worry.

"I'm fine."

"Look at what you did to this pretty face." Sana caressed the girl's cheek. "Was it worth it? Was it really worth to be in this much pain right now?"

"Yes, it was." Y/N answered. "I've been wanting to do this ever since she backstabbed me. It was going to happen one day anyways."

"Do you enjoy this? Do you enjoy making me worry?" Sana was worried to death and she hates the situation that they got in yet Y/N seems to not mind at all. 

"No, why would I enjoy that?"

"Because it seems like you do. I was scared as fuck that you were going to kill each other. You didn't even listen to me when I asked you to stop instead you pushed me away and hurt me." Sana reminded her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to get this far." Another meaningless apology. It's clear that Y/N is proud of herself that she left Tzuyu with a broken arm and a broken nose.

"Yoona gave birth." Sana said out of nowhere. "That was why she called yesterday. She wanted you to know that she gave birth to a beautiful daughter. I was going to tell you that but you wouldn't even let me speak." If only Y/N had let her speak yesterday she would have known the reason why Yoona contacted her girlfriend but Y/N didn't want to listen and assumed other things. 

"Good for her." Y/N answered bluntly and stood up in pain. Barely being able to walk.

"Maybe you should check up on her. Apparently the birth didn't go smoothly."

"I don't care." Y/N admitted to which Sana sighed. When did she become this difficult?

"What are these bags?" Y/N asked when she saw a suitcase and a bag on the floor.

"They're mine. I'm going back home."

"What?" Y/N immediately turned to face Sana. "What do you mean you're going home?"

"They called me yesterday saying they want to talk to me. We talked and figured everything out. It's time for me to go back home." Sana had an entire conversation with her mother and Mr. Son. They talked about everything that went wrong and for the first time ever the man and woman apologised to her. 

"W-why? Did I do something wrong? Do you not want to stay with me?"

"I... It's just better if I go back home. It's not good for us to live together right now. You absolutely hate me for what I did and that's why you've been treating me like shit lately. Let's just fix this relationship slowly instead of rushing things. By living together we'll only make it worse." Sana really thought this through and the best thing for her to do is go back home.

"That's not true." Y/N approached her and held her face. "I don't hate you. I absolutely don't. I know I've been acting like a dick lately and I promise it'll stop. I'm just having a hard time right now, it doesn't mean that I don't love you."

"I know you love me and I know you're having a hard time but this is not the solution for us. I think we need space. Both of us." Yes, Sana was dying for Y/N to forgive her but she didn't know that things were going to turn out like this. Y/N seems like a complete different person and Sana is well aware that her cheating caused her to be like this. She blames herself for the way Y/N acts right now. The only way Y/N will go back to herself is if Sana keeps her distance. 

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