Chapter 57

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"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Y/N asked Sana after Noze left.

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Y/N examined Sana entirely.

"I'm fine Y/N. She didn't hurt me." The Japanese girl assured.

"Let's go inside." Y/N guided Sana into her apartment.

"What was all of that?" Sana questioned. "What the hell happened between you two?"

"We had an argument." Y/N sighed. "She got jealous because I'm spending too much time with you and then she told me about her feelings for me and I rejected her."

"She admitted her feelings?"

"Yeah, she did. I already knew about it but I guess I was ignoring it."

"She really cares about you, you know that right?" Sana questioned.

"I do but what can I do? I really see her just as a friend nothing more, besides I can never return her feelings for me."

"Why am I different, Y/N?" Noze already asked her this question and Y/N gave her a vague answer. Sana is also curious about why Y/N doesn't want to be with Noze but with Sana. She can't love neither of them so what's the difference? "Why me and not her?"

"I can't really give you an answer to that, Sana. I already told you that if a sociopath were able to love then what I feel for you is the closest thing to that. I like Noze as a friend, we get along wel and yes she's attractive yet I'd rather spend my time with you and my eyes only see you not her."

Sana does not get Y/N at all. If Y/N feels this way then why is she not stopping her from getting married? Why is she acting like Sana getting married is not a big deal when it obviously is?

"I need to go." Sana suddenly stood up and headed towards the door.

"Where to?" Y/N asked following her.

"We should stop doing this before I get married. I'm getting married in only four days, Y/N. If we don't stop now then we'll never be able to and I don't want to have an affair with you through my marriage. It's just wrong in so many ways." 

"You're right, it's wrong." Y/N looked down and held Sana's hands. "If you want to stop then we'll stop but please just spend tonight with me."

"I... I don't know, Y/N."

"I know you want to, Sana." Y/N looked Sana deeply in the eyes and she's right. Sana badly wants to spend tonight with Y/N.

"I do." Sana admitted and pushed Y/N towards the wall. "And I fucking hate you for it." She informed and crashed her lips onto Y/N's. The two started to kiss roughly like it's the last time.

Y/N grabbed Sana by her waist and turned her around so that now Sana is against the wall. She left the woman's lips and went down to her neck kissing and licking Sana's sensitive spot, which is Y/N's favorite. 

"Y/N... Oh fuck." Sana moaned as Y/N did her job. Out of nowhere Y/N suddenly stopped and lifted Sana up bridal style to bring her to the bedroom. This gesture of hers made Sana hesitate about her wedding way more than she did before. When Y/N did that she suddenly thought about how Mingyu is going to do that on their wedding night and reality suddenly hit her. She doesn't want Mingyu to do that. She wants Y/N to do that just like how she did now.

Y/N carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed as she went on top of her. Their lips connected once again and their tongues made contact as they started to dance with each other. Sana pulled Y/N closer by wrapping her arms around her neck and their bodies are connected to each other like magnets.

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