Chapter 16

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After their date Y/N made her way to Sana's house to drop the girl off. When they arrived Sana got off first and so did Y/N to say goodbye.

"Thanks for today. I had fun." Sana handed Y/N's helmet back to her.

"Me too, we should do this again." Y/N smiled and Sana swears that that smile could be the death of her one day.

"Yeah, I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Why? We had fun didn't we?"

"We did but you're not the type to date. You don't even like it." Sana reminded her.

"I like it when it's with you though. And with you I would do anything, even go on dates." Y/N knows very well how to sweet talk, no wonder she has so many girls wrapped around her finger.

"If you say so. I should go inside, it's getting late." Sana said but she kind of stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do or how to say goodbye. Should she hug her? Kiss her?

"Yeah you should go, your mom is probably waiting for you."

"See you tomorrow." Sana said and turned around to walk away but of course Y/N won't let her go without kissing her. She's been dying to kiss her the entire day, she had to force herself to not touch or kiss Sana since she doesn't want to cross boundaries. But by the look on Sana's face she could tell that she wanted it as well. So before Sana could leave Y/N grabbed her arm and turned her around, crashing her lips onto hers. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, not enough to fill their needs but enough for the day.

"Now you can go." Y/N smiled pulling away, their faces still close to each other.

"I don't think I can yet." Sana whispered seductively and pulled Y/N into a kiss once again, this time making it last longer. Y/N absolutely loved this action of Sana's. How could she look so hot saying that? Y/N is literally melting under her touch.

"Now I can go." Sana pulled away smiling. She hit Y/N's cheek lightly before leaving a flustered Y/N behind.

Y/N watched Sana walk into her house and shook her head smiling.

"You're finally accepting your feelings for me huh?" Y/N said to herself before getting on her bike and riding herself home.


"Aaah! Mom you scared me." Sana yelled once she walked into her house. The woman was right behind the front door waiting for her daughter in the dark.

"Where were you?"

"I was just hanging out with friends." Sana lied.

"Since when is Y/N your friend?"

"You saw?" Sana sighed. "I just hung out with her today, it's a one time thing. This doesn't mean that we're friends. I just said yes for Chaeyoung's sake."

"Did you also kiss her for Chaeyoung's sake?" The woman crossed her arms with raised eyebrows. Sana widened her eyes upon hearing that. Did her mother really just witness Sana kiss Kang Y/N?


"You can tell me what's going on, Sana. You always did before, what's holding you back now?" It's true that Sana always talked to her mother about everything but she's just not comfortable to talk about Y/N.

"I just saw you kiss that girl, it's not something I can ignore. Do you like her?"

"I don't, in fact I hate her. I just went out with her and kissed her so that she can get bored of me and finally leave me alone. There's nothing else going on, just ignore what you saw." Sana was about to leave but stopped in her tracks when Mrs. Son spoke up once again.

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