Chapter 15

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Sana was getting some books from her locker when someone suddenly came and slammed it harshly, startling her.

"Hi." Y/N smiled.

"Yah, what the hell are you doing??" Sana yelled and opened her locker once again.

"I'm not getting a hi back?" Y/N asked leaning her back onto the locker next to Sana's.

"You literally slammed my locker in my face, are you expecting a hi from me?"

"Okay then, let's do it again. I'll go away and come back." The bad girl smirked and walked a bit further and then came back.

"Hi." She said once again but this time not slamming anything shut.

"Hi." Sana chuckled as she shook her head. She can't understand Y/N's actions at all sometimes.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight." Y/N crossed her arms.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" 

"Perhaps. So are you in?" 

"That's bullshit, you don't go out on dates." Everyone here knows that Y/N doesn't do dates. Never ever has she gone on a date in her life.

"Now I do and I want you to be the first one to have the privilege to go on a date with me."

"Why would I go out with you?" Sana closed her locker and faced Y/N.

"I think we had a fun time yesterday so I just want to continue what we were doing."

"I'm not making out with you again, if that's what you want."

"Ahhh, Sana-sii, that's not what I want at all. I just want to take you to this amazing art exhibition tonight. I got two tickets and well you're the only person I know that would like to go." Y/N showed two tickets that she took from her pocket.

"Oh my God, how did you get these? They're crazy expensive." Sana took the tickets from Y/N's hand to see if they're real and they pretty much do look real.

"I have some connections. So are you in? I know you really want to go."

"Fine, but I'm not going because of you, I'm going because I've wanted to go to this exhibition for ages."

"Alright, alright. I'll pick you up at 7. Be ready." Y/N winked and left a blushing Sana behind.

"Okay, the whole campus is talking about you and Y/N saying that you two are hooking up. Is it true?" Momo approached her friend.

"What? No, we're not hooking up!"

"Then what did I just see? You were obviously flirting."

"We're just hanging out, nothing more." 

"And what made you change your mind? You literally used to hate her." Momo reminded her friend.

"I still do, but I figured she won't leave me alone unless I give her some attention." Sana informed.

"Or maybe you don't want her to leave you alone."

"Cut the bullshit Momo, you know how I don't want to get involved with her. I'm just hanging out with her for now and you know very well that it won't last long. Y/N gets bored easily when it comes to girls so she'll leave me alone once she's tired of me and then everything will go back to normal." Sana actually felt sad saying this. She doesn't want Y/N to get bored of her. She wants Y/N to keep fighting for her just the way she does right now. But she knows once Y/N is satisfied enough, she'll leave Sana in the dirt just like how she does with all the other girls.

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