Chapter 55

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"Finally decided to get out of bed, huh?" Y/N asked Seulgi who just came into the kitchen while Y/N was having lunch with Noze and Nayeon.

"Are you okay? You slept for like 14 hours." Nayeon asked in worry.

"What time is it?"

"1 pm." Noze answered. 

"I feel like shit." Seulgi sat down at the table.

"Eat something, you'll feel better once you do." Nayeon advised and prepared a plate for Seulgi. 

"Do you get now why I wanted you here?" Y/N asked her sister.

"I do." The older girl sighed. "I'll move in here, just like you want me to."

"Do you promise to stop using drugs?"

"I can't promise that, but I'll try my best. You know it's not easy to stop immediately."

"We'll help you out. Don't worry about it." Noze assured.

"As long as you do your best and take care of yourself it's fine. We just want you to be healthy." Y/N informed.

"I know. Sorry for reacting like a dickhead."

"It's okay, unnie. It's what you always do, I got used to it." Y/N chuckled.

"Yah! That's not true." Seulgi looked down in defeat because she knows it's true.

"I have something to do right now so I have to leave. Make sure to take your medicine after you eat. Will you guys be here?" Y/N asked Noze and Nayeon.

"I'll be leaving in an hour. I have a date with Jeongie." Nayeon smiled.

"Disgusting." Y/N stated seriously.

"I have a day off today so I'll be home." Noze informed.

"Great then you can keep an eye on unnie for me, right?"

"Of course I can." Noze agreed.

"Thanks babe, see you later." Y/N pecked the girl's lips and left.

"You like her, don't you?" Nayeon questioned Noze.

"What? We're just fuck buddies nothing else."

"Yeah right. The look in your eyes tell me something different. You clearly like her." 

"Well, what if I do? It's not like she'll like me back." Noze sighed.

"Then why are you around her? You're hurting yourself like this." Seulgi knows how her sister is and she knows that Noze has absolutely no chance. It makes her sad to see Noze being in love with Y/N like this knowing that her sister can't love her back.

"I just can't distance myself from her. I was with her 24/7 for the past five years. It's hard to just leave and forget about her."

"I suggest you do. Y/N is a great friend to have but she's not a great person to love. No person that fell for her ended up well." Nayeon stated.

"Yeah, I hate to say this but falling in love with Y/N is the worst thing that can happen to someone. When she started dating Sana I finally thought that there was a chance for her to be in a normal relationship. The more it lasted the more I believed it, but in the end I was wrong." Seulgi sighed.

"You know that she wants Sana right?" Nayeon asked. Everyone can see this.

"I know but I don't get why. She doesn't even love her, why is she so obsessed with her?"

"It's part of her disorder. Sociopaths just love in another way. A not rational way and this is how she does it." Seulgi has seen a sociopath grow up. No one knows it better than she does.

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