Chapter 29

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One week later

A week has passed and surprisingly Y/N left Nayeon alone ever since Nayeon told her she's quitting. However Nayeon knows Y/N way too well to know that Y/N is going to do something about it.

Either she's going to force Nayeon to continue or she's going to make Nayeon regret leaving. And right when she was thinking about it, she received a text message from Y/N.

She opened it to see a picture of Jeongyeon naked and Nayeon could tell that it was taken in Y/N's bedroom since she's been there before. A few seconds later she received another text message.

Your girl was at my place last night and she let me fuck her. Seems like you've not been doing a good job courting her ;) - Y/N

Nayeon tightened her fist by reading the text message and seeing the picture. She knew Y/N was going to do something, but isn't fucking the girl she likes over the limit? Ever since Nayeon started liking Jeongyeon she asked Y/N to not fuck her, but that's exactly what Y/N did even though she kept assuring Nayeon that she wouldn't.

Nayeon immediately left her place and went to Y/N's apartment. She can't just stay still after getting this text from her. She's beyond mad right now.

However when she arrived at Y/N's place, no one opened the door. It looks like the girl isn't home and then Nayeon remembered that Mina is throwing a party tonight. If Y/N isn't home, then she's probably at the party.

So she made her way to Mina's place. Since she doesn't like to talk to people she didn't even try to ask someone if Y/N is present. She just decided to look for her herself.

"Nayeon unnie?" Mina approached her. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I'm just here to find Y/N, I'll leave afterwards. Is she here?"

"Yeah, I saw her not too long ago. She should be around the house somewhere."

"Thanks." Nayeon mumbled and continued to search. Right when she was about to give up, there she saw Y/N in the kitchen with a drink in her hand. So she immediately approached her.

"Nayeon unnie? What are you doing here?" Y/N has clearly been drinking. Nayeon can smell the alcohol distinctly.

"We need to talk." Nayeon grabbed Y/N's arm to pull her with her, but Y/N refused.

"We can talk here."

"Y/N please, this is not the place."

"So you saw my text huh? That's why you're here." Y/N laughed out loud. Luckily everyone is busy minding their own business.

"I'm already fucking angry so just come with me before I start a scene right here right now." Nayeon warned.

"You shouldn't be coming to me but to Jeongyeon. She's the one that let me fuck her."

"Don't you dare use her like you use other girls." Nayeon went closer to her.

"What if I do? She clearly likes me and she'll do anything I ask her to do and that includes being my side chick." This statement made Nayeon very mad so she punched Y/N right in the face. Nayeon is a strong girl. After all she and Y/N have been friends for three years. The two are quite alike when it comes to anger and force.

"What the fuck?" Y/N held her cheek.

"You shouldn't have done this Y/N."

"You shouldn't have quit, alright? Where do you think you got the right to do that?" Y/N pushed her friend by her shoulders.

"So this is all about me quitting huh? Because I quit you thought it would be a great idea to hurt me using someone I love?"

"Love? You love her?"

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