Chapter 18

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"Have you guys seen my sister?" Chaeyoung asked her friends.

"She was on the balcony with Y/N a moment ago but I wouldn't go there if I were you." Joy suggested.


"Because they were making out, ugh." Joy shook the thought out of her head.

"They were what?" Chaeyoung repeated in anger as she tightened her fist. She immediately went to the balcony to look for her sister but the older girl was nowhere to be found.

Chaeyoung was about to go look in the other rooms but that's when Y/N and her sister showed up.

"Where were you two?"

"I just showed her something." Y/N answered.

"Unnie, don't leave my side and let's go home, it's getting late." Chaeyoung suggested, hoping that this time Sana will just listen to her.

"Yah, it's way too early to leave. You two are staying. End of discussion." Irene scolded.

"Yeah, let's stay a bit longer." Sana smiled and sat down on the couch next to Y/N and Jungkook. There was no place next to them so Chaeyoung had to sit across of them next to Taehyung.

"I think it's time for me to smoke a bit as well." Y/N exclaimed and lit up a joint. Sana is a bit bothered by the fact that they're smoking marijuana right beside her. Yes, her ex girlfriend did drugs as well. In fact Tzuyu is a well known drug dealer but the she knew that Sana didn't like it so she never did drugs beside her. Tzuyu didn't want to make Sana the same as her, she wanted Sana to stay her innocent self. But in the end she dragged her into her own mess and made Sana seem like one of them.

"Do you want to smoke as well?" Y/N asked the girl beside her.

"Yah, are you crazy? You know she doesn't do drugs." Chaeyoung is barely holding herself back right now. What is Y/N even trying to do?

"She can always have her first time you know."

"No thanks, Y/N." Sana interrupted before the two start to argue again.

"I've never met someone that doesn't do marijuana. It's weird." Taehyung laughed. Sana can clearly see that this guy is pretty much an addict. It seems like he wouldn't be able to function without drugs.

"You're weird." Chaeyoung hit his arm.

"If you're uncomfortable we can always leave." Y/N whispered to Sana.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine." Sana smiled. Y/N nodded and suddenly put her arm around Sana which everyone obviously noticed. They're all very used to this though. Y/N brings a girl from time to time, so it's nothing new. However for Chaeyoung this is new. She can't stand to see Y/N flirt with her sister like that.

"Unnie, can we talk?" Chaeyoung asked Y/N.

"What about?"

"It's important. Please." Chaeyoung has no patience left.

"Fine, I'll be right back." Y/N winked to Sana and followed Chaeyoung to the balcony.

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" Chaeyoung questioned.

"What the fuck are YOU trying to do? I thought you had no problem with me being close to your sister. What's bothering you now?"

"It's bothering me that you're obviously using her." Chaeyoung knew that Y/N was after Sana, but since Sana kept ignoring Y/N,  she didn't worry about it. She never thought that Sana would give the bad girl attention one day, but it seems like the day has come.

"I don't want you near her." Chaeyoung added which made Y/N laugh.

"And why would I listen to you? I thought we were friends. Why don't you want me near her?"

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