Chapter 49

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A few days have passed in prison and it already feels like hell. Noze's gang is bothering them a lot. Especially Chaeyoung since she's the one that barely even talks back, luckily Y/N defends her all the time but she doesn't know how long they'll be able to last like this.

"Chaeyoung-ah, why aren't you eating huh?" One of Noze's gang members bothered her. Y/N is not beside her right now since she's in line waiting to receive some food. 

"Leave her alone." Irene demanded.

"Why should we? This girl is obviously a drug addict. I can see she's experiencing withdrawal." Noze chuckled. "You better eat your food. People here are dying to get more food while you're fucking wasting yours."

"She'll eat if she wants to. It's none of your business." Nayeon defended. Chaeyoung just kept quiet. She feels like shit and has absolutely no energy to fight back. 

"Well if she won't eat then we'll just do this." Noze laughed and took the plate with food and dropped it on Chaeyoung's head. Y/N saw the scene happening and immediately approached them.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Y/N yelled. She's extremely angry now.

"She deserved it." 

"You're going too far." Y/N went closer to her in a threatening matter.

"Yeah, you fucking bitch!" Irene was about to attack her but Nayeon stopped her. She knows Y/N can handle this. If they interrupt it'll only get worse. She grabbed Chaeyoung's arm and asked permission to go to the bathroom to clean her up. Luckily they got permission so Nayeon took Chaeyoung with her and left.

"I can do what I want here, Y/N-ssi. I'm the boss here, you should accept that." Noze caressed Y/N's cheek. 

"These stupid asses may follow all the bullshit you're doing but we won't. Just leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. I'm not here to take your power. You can still be the head or whatever. I really don't care but don't you dare touch my friends."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to do that. I mean what's the fun in that? You're new here and you're the cure for my boredom." 

"If you really want to mess with someone, mess with me. Leave them alone. Whatever it is, come to me. I've been keeping calm for days now but if I see you bothering any of them again, you'll start a war that you'll not be able to win, Noze-ssi. You know who I am, you know that I'm just as psychopathic as you are. So don't test me." Y/N warned which Noze obviously didn't take seriously. She has this huge smirk on her face and it's annoying Y/N a lot. It's really a shame that a pretty face like hers is mentally insane. 

"Fine, we'll leave them alone." Noze informed.

"What? Really?" Her friend asked.

"Yeah, you heard what she said. We can mess with her all we want, so instead of messing with four of them let's just only mess with their leader." Imagine all the praise Noze will get if the news goes around that she tamed Kang Y/N. "Let's go girls, we'll take care of this later on."

"You shouldn't have done that." Irene said once Noze and her gang were gone. "We can handle them if it's the four of us, you can't handle them by yourself."

"No you guys can't handle them. I mean look at Chaeyoung she's basically not herself right now. Nayeon unnie is so shocked that her mind is somewhere else and you... well you're fine but still it's better for me to deal with them myself."

"Don't walk around alone. They will surely attack you." Irene suggested.

"Let's just eat." Y/N sighed and sat down. Whatever it is, she knows that she can handle Noze. 

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